I heard about Thrive ZP from a few wellness committees I was familiar with, and started my challenge in March. I needed to do a better job being present and cherishing my time with family. It’s going great. I feel a lot closer to my family. We have gone on many family walks, and we play baseball at the park. We started a vegetable garden for the year, and focus on eating balanced meals with protein, fruit, veggies, and fats. We also try to have a variety of colors in our meals. We’ve been saving money by not eating out. I’ve also set up auto-payment on bills, which has reduced my stress and anxiety. Since I’ve focused on my family and money, I’ve seen a lot of positive change. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how productive we have been at home spending time together and learning new skills.
- I now put my phone away when we eat family dinners.
- Since I’ve started Thrive ZP, I’ve begun running again.
- My family has saved money by doing activities at home, like crafting and playing instruments together.
- By participating in Thrive ZP, I’ve inspired my friends to make healthier choices, too.
Since participating in Thrive ZP, I have so much more self-awareness. I recognize when I am not prioritizing my time and engaging with my family in the way they deserve. I’ve noticed the children becoming closer, and I feel like I have more of an understanding of them. I also have more appreciation for my husband and the time we spend together. I am proud of the rainbow scavenger hunt my family and I created in Muskegon, where people make rainbows and put them in their windows all across town. Households and local businesses are participating — when people go on walks, they can find inspiration wherever they go. This is a symbol of hope during these unusual times.

Through the Thrive ZP Challenge, our community is making better, healthier choices, seeing big results, and winning big.
Stories from past winners, such as Rachel Fawcett, prove that every individual has the power to transform their life every day through a combination of small, healthier choices and peer-to-peer inspiration.