I can tell you my from my personal experience. I was addicted to the point that I felt that I was living in some virtual world. My life went topsy turvy if I didn’t get the reply from someone. Lately I got a wake up call and I decided to uninstall everything. I knew it was difficult but I had to do it for myself. I just wanted to get over this obsessive compulsion. I feel we as human beings should have dreams and aspirations which aren’t confined to these shitty devices. Nowadays these devices are made so so addictive that you end doing something or the other even if you don’t want to. If I am enjoying or if I like something then I don’t need anyone’s validation to affirm it. These smartphones are making people narcissistic. Their lives revolve around themselves and they want to live in this fugazi. They are just trapped in these shitty devices trying to get validation from some people. Even if they talk their mind is somewhere else anxious waiting for a text. I was also like this. And some people I liked used to do this and I know how it feels like. So I made a decision that I am not going to give this kind of feeling to anyone. Atleast people who I don’t want to hurt. And you wont believe quitting social media had magical effects on me and this isn’t some kinda exaggeration. These constant notifications and innumerable likes may give you happiness but its vague and illusionary. You are much more than that. I feel at some point in our lives we need detachment from these fake validations so that we can find ourselves.
