My front is closed, but I am ready.
Winter pots planted with evergreens will stand guard at my door this winter.
Brave and strong.
Outdoor hoses removed and drained.
Cushioned chairs covered.
Deer proof bulbs are planted for spring.
Wilted annuals removed.
My hallway foyer is open to all that lands on my stoop.
A package, a neighbor who offers help, someone in need.
Canning and stocking up on supplies.
Pine cones collected for kindling.
Books on the Kindle.
Warmth of the sun through the window in the reading chair.
The air feels different as we transition from cool but sunny to chilly.
Outdoor sports with friends will have to wait.
I can smell neighbors crackling fireplaces outside.
Backyard visits may happen if the weather cooperates.
The nest may remain empty.
More virtual workouts.
More drawer organization.
The Halloween candy is long gone.
Leaves picked up.
A new bright white ground cover has fallen.
Time to prepare.
Time to connect.
Time to stay safe.
All still.