Merchant Navy officer who wears a cap of Hollywood filmmaker believes to achieve his goals with mere hard work.
Yadhu says when at sea, people are under constant work pressure to meet their hectic jobscope. Staying far from your loved ones and exposed to extreme pressure makes life at sea really challenging. Sea has taught me that hard work is merely the key to success.Neither a walk in fresh air with your pet beside or a cup of tea with people you love is an option. My passion for screenplay writing helped me to break the stress.
When asked how do you manage your stress and loneliness at sea, Yadhu says “The challenge is always within”.
Yadhu adds, during my career at sea I have always been under constant stress and loneliness until I discovered my passion for writing can help me out. My passion for writing kept me in my world. The bottom line is I was quite happy when I was in that world.
When asked, does this life at sea disconnect your social networking, Yadhu Krishnan says Yes it does to a great extend. Even at this 21st century of techno sophicated era, we at sea lack basic communication facilities. This has hugely affected our socialising aspect in life. So I made a point to do short contract and take long vacation to keep a balance for life. This solved my problem.
For more details about Yadhu Krishnan and his works follow him on Instagram @Yadhu.Krishnan.90