They tried to take me down…
I laughed at the sky
They tried to hurt me
I said goodbye
They offered me lessons
I learned my why
They made mistakes
Forgive, breathe, exhale, sigh
I could have fallen
I didn’t die
I stand up tall again
From a fetal position I rise
I’m exposed, naked on the page
I won’t hide and live disguised
I speak my truth
I share my wise
Lean into my lows
Expand in my highs
Thriving on life
Not merely getting by
Embracing ebb and flow
Not afraid to revise
My story
In my glory
My clarity is the prize
In awareness, I went and supersized
My best life
I grew from strife
Even when heartbreak cuts like a knife
I carry my pieces
That which doesn’t serve me releases
My self-love increases
I write through my growth
“I’m worthy” is my oath
Deadlift my pain
Benchpress my gains
Each day more sane
More open
More chapters
More spring in my step
As I ring in this fall season
Self- love is my reason
Lead by example
Write by example
Share by example
Abundance is ample
I was set free
Of the heavy weight
Try to keep up with me
Don’t be late
For I am unfolding
A total remolding
For I am Fierce Force ??
Steering my own coarse!
Rewriting my story
Frolicking with my pen
Alive in zen
And even in chaos, or in calm
I walk these streets
I carry strong
Live in song
Nothing is wrong
It’s all supposed to be
Learn from me
I promise you will see
Simply breathe
This is our reprieve
It took work to get this way
So much gratitude that I got to here today
So many blessings from community who say
I see you
And, guess what? I see you too
Do you feel this breeze?
This sun? These colored trees?
FYI, this presence is on tap!
Help yourself if you please
It’s not just a tease
Unlimited refills!
In this space we can do 1000 EXTRAordinary things with ease
We are our own CEO’s
We hold the pen
We own our microphones
Share our stories
Take our inventories
Speak our truths
Living proof
Accountability in mobility
Capable in our agility
Breathing in place
Creating space
Our own restorers
Space explorers