Just a few days before Christmas, December 2005. I was sleeping, and in my dream, Jesus Christ suddenly appeared. This completely left like he appeared to me in my home, in person. He was wearing a white robe, and he looked young, around 30 years old, with the MOST peaceful, loving presence I have ever experienced.

I was deeply amazed, awestruck, and felt so humble. I said, “Jesus, you’re visiting ME?” He said, “Yes, I have a message for you.” I said, very humbly with deep reverence for Him, “Yes, what is it?” and He replied, “The only reason why you had to go through the custody situation was because it would have been humanly impossible for you to simultaneously raise both of your children as a single Mom, living with you full time, and simultaneously do all of the spiritual work that you are doing.”

I said, “Okay.” Jesus continued, “Keep doing everything you are doing and don’t stop. (He then lifted his right arm, up to the elbow level, and moved it forward three times while he said, “Keep going, keep going, keep going.”

I then said very humbly but with all sincerity, “Wait a minute, I know I’m sleeping, and I think this is a dream and not a real visit.”

Jesus then said, “When they rent this car to you tomorrow, that is your proof, your validation that this is a real visit and not just a dream.”

Jesus replied, “I will give you proof that this is a real visit and not just a dream. When you go to the rental car place tomorrow morning, this is the car they are going to rent to you. (Then appeared right there was a candy apple, fire engine red four door car. I was renting a car every other weekend to see my children, as I did not have a car back then. I never once either saw or was rented a car looking anywhere near what Jesus was showing me. I always got typical rental cars in rental colors, like a grey Ford Escort.)

Jesus then said, “When they rent this car to you tomorrow, that is your proof, your validation that this is a real visit and not just a dream.”

I replied, “Okay” and then he disappeared. I woke up and said to myself,” Boy what a dream that was!”

I went about my morning, went to the rental car place, and by this time, around 11:30 AM, I had really forgotten about my “dream”. After I filled out the regular paperwork, the man took me outside, and said, “This is your car.” It was the IDENTICAL car Jesus showed me the night before. I never stuttered before in my entire life. When I saw the car, I stuttered to the rental guy, “The, the, the, this one? The, the, the red one?” He said politely but concerned, “Yes, why is there a problem?” I replied quite ecstatic, “Oh NO, there is no problem at ALL, this is absolutely PERFECT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!”

I opened the driver’s side door, got into the driver’s seat, and looked up at the car ceiling, completely ecstatic, and said out loud, “JESUS CHRIST, YOU REALLY VISITED ME!” with the biggest smile on my face.

It was pure validation for me doing all of the spiritual work, just two months after following through with God’s guidance, the newborn Higher Self Communication group was helping people free of charge learn how to awaken their sixth sense to receive answers from God/Higher Self/Holy Spirit/ Source/Creator/All That Is/ (whatever name any person from any culture feels most comfortable with.) It was the most humbling experience that I can’t quite put into words. It gave me the validation to do exactly what Jesus asked of me, to, “Keep doing everything you’re doing, and don’t stop, keep going, keep going, keep going.”

So I keep going and feel a LOT of gratitude for that visit. It remains with me in my heart, and I never doubt myself with respect to my life mission in this area of my work. It was the greatest “outer validation” at a time when the Higher Self Communication group was only two months old. It gave me an inner assurance that is always alive. I couldn’t believe that Jesus actually visited me.

Then, after that visit, I asked God simply out loud, “Why, didn’t Jesus visit me when I was going through so much pain and suffering, when I used to pray for a visit from an Angel, or anyone, when I didn’t want to live anymore?” And God’s immediate answer to me was, “Because Jesus did not want you to become dependent on Him or an external visit for answers, when you needed to learn how to receive them for yourself. Then, you would always wait for visits.”

I immediately understood that. And, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I was guided to openly share about Jesus’ visit, hence this true news story. There was one thing Jesus did say via higher self communication, and that is if anyone has an issue with this visit to take it up with him personally.

Copyright 2010, 2014, 2019 by Barbara Rose, PhD All Rights Reserved.