Don’t bite your tongue in cowardice anymore, we want to hear YOU!
A lot of times, a lot of us would have loved to say something, give people a piece of our minds, but, somehow, somewhere along the line and in the process of organizing our thoughts into words to be spoken to their hearings, we stop to think over and convince ourselves that it is actually “not worth it”. Yes, so many of us give up our standing rights in order to “not hurt” those who are already standing on our very own toes… is that nobility?
Maybe… maybe not…
If we would be really honest with ourselves, most of the times we give up our rights, it is not actually to be the noble and bigger person, it is actually being the weaker and smaller person… some people would not understand this stance, but, those who are with me on this table would definitely get the message between those lines.
We don’t keep quiet just so no one would get upset, we don’t keep quiet just so no one would feel hurt at our speech and/or outburst, nah, we don’t keep quiet just so people would term us noble and better refined… we keep quiet because we have more doubts in our persons than the anger or urge to speak up and share anything. Yes, we do not believe in the words we want to speak to the hearing of others, we are not sure they will understand what we are trying to convey, we are not sure they would want to hear us at all, we do not think that we have the right to actually share our thoughts and opinions… yes, honestly, we think so little and even less of ourselves.
It is only right that we talk and resolve whatever issues arise from our constant interpersonal relations and relationships, because conflict is actually unavoidable! So, if you choose to remain silent and watch people cheat and annoy and walk all over you, that is what you define nobility as? Trying to console yourself and avoid the bitter bigger truth? Or, hiding behind the false perspectives of the ignorant?
There is every reason you should stand up and talk when you should… sometimes, you forget about “how” and just do it how it comes: you’re being honest here, you’re expressing your mind and sharing your thoughts, you’re expressing your grievances to someone or some people you (normally would) believe care for and about your general wellbeing, so, why bother about saying the right things the right way? Why not focus on getting the pains and hurt across? Why not trust that you deserve to be happy like everyone else too? Why not trust that you have the right to freely express yourself like every other person out there too? Why not trust that you are no way in fault for having the feelings and reactions generated from a particular action done or committed against you? Why not relax in the knowledge of the fact that it is essential for you to speak and be heard too? why not understand and acknowledge the fact that you have to be understood and respected like you do to everyone else too? Why not stand up for you and convince yourself that you have a voice and a life that is dignified like every other person out there?
Yes… so, why should your voice not be heard? Why should you always be accepting when you are honestly breaking deep down cos it is so against your principle and preferences? Why should you force yourself to choke on emotions by suppressing them so hard they almost eat up your heart? Why should you let people steal from you the only tool you can’t get by interpersonal relationships without? Why should you be the major force holding yourself back from personal growth and advancement? Why should you keep battling locked up feelings that would keep surfacing and affecting your life till the very end? Why should you not give yourself the chance to be heard and understood and appreciated?
How long do you want to keep holding your tongue and biting at it in hurt and anger, telling yourself that you can only do as much as that? How long do you want to live a miserable life while fooling people into believing you’re so reasonable cos you never get upset or complain about anyone’s behaviour towards you? How long do you want to clutch your chest in severe pain that you have shielded from the world that inflicted it so that they have no idea you even have a heart that could be hurt at all in the first place? How long would you remain unfair to your own self? How long will you remain on that floor so that anyone can walk over you like their carpet? How long will you hide behind the curtains or beneath your bedcover to shed the tears that ought not grace your beautiful face from your innocent kind heart? How long will you continue to smile in suffering? How long will you continue to cheat your mind into believing that anyone is right for any way they treat you? How long will continue to cheat your person into believing that you only do not want to hurt anyone by complaining about their actions or inactions that are actually more than bothersome to you a little? How long will you keep being the only ears to hear your grievances and heartbreaks? How long will you continue to purnish yourself for a crime never committed?
It is okay for people to laugh, it is just as fine for them to make fun of you for saying what you feel deep down, it is equally just as fine for them to not understand… it is about you, your feelings, your emotions, your happiness, your sincerity, your weakness, your strength… select for yourself people who would help you walk the bridge to redemption, people who would hold your hands when your feet get shaky, people who’d lend you their shoulders when your walls start crumbling, people who’d tell you to express yourself and never judge you for it, people who would see beyond the pseudo smile and help you unearth the truth you have kept buried of pain for so long, people who would look at you and see just what it is that you are feeling at the moment, people whose presence is enough to make you feel safe and dignified like any and every other person, people who would always just be there for you because they care and acknowledge that you have feelings too…
Speak for yourself… appreciate yourself… let out that voice whenever you have to, it’s your voice, and, no one will know if that voice doesn’t bring out what is locked within your chest… speak for yourself because NO ONE CAN or WILL ever do that for you!