Celebrations are a form of honor. Whether they be cultural, personal, or other significant meanings. The purpose is to acknowledge what has been created and the meaning of it’s reason for creativity. On an even greater scale, the purpose of celebration is to acknowledge personal existence. When people come together to celebrate a holiday, great news, of whatever may be the occasion, they are also celebrating themselves, and their particular existence within that time, location, and energy. After all, there is a reason why that time is important to them. The level of significance for the celebration is also connected to the purpose. What is the reason for the occasion? That is a very important issue to for discussion.
When celebration is conducted in the realm of cultural celebrations, there is a particular lens in which it has been crafted. It means that the celebration is one of the living testimonies and proofs, that a people have crafted out the elements of time, spacing, and movement, as a reflection of their very own presence (and image) on this Earth. The month of November 2020 has begun. In the United States of American, November is Native Cultural Heritage Month. It is a sacred month, as it celebrates the current existence of Indigenous and First Nation people of these lands. Unfortunately, it does not always receive the proper attention and vigilance that it deserves. Nevertheless, the celebration has occurred. That does not make it any less significant, simply because people have been less attentive to it. November, in the United States of America, is a holistic month. Celebrating our Native and Indigenous communities means that we gain the opportunity of returning back to a forgotten memory, a distant past. It means there are particular components, where a sacred nature of the past is re-visited. What was this land before it became what it is now? How were things, then, before they became what they were, now? During this month, that question is placed front and center.
Before Native people were depicted as the “invisible minority,” or even “eradicated people,” they roamed this land. In fact, the land was their sanctuary, and there was great nourishment and healing to be received from it. This land was floating with humility, as the Indigenous and First Nations knew that they were (and still are), in a spiritual oneness with the Earth. This arrogant notion of “dominating” over the land was unspoken; as being dependent on the land was honored. The trees, air, land, and waters are gifts from the Creator, and they are to be respected. Its one of the pivotal points for understanding the wellness of moving through the Earth, in such a way that it honors our humanity. The beauty of Native Cultural Heritage Month is that it takes our mental psyche back to a different understanding of our presence on this land. A special comprehending before we became “too busy,” to re-connect to the Earth on a holistic way. Kindly note that the celebration of Native/First Nation cultures is not solely celebrated on the month of November. For Indigenous, Native communities, their culture is celebrated every day, in their ongoing and continued efforts of cultural preservation; and the passing down of legacy and traditions. In actuality, Native Cultural Heritage Month, is a beginning focal point for non-Native/Indigenous people to become more knowledgeable and conscious in the Native people; their presence, and existence within these particular lands. Its a moment to pause and understand the sacredness of their Being, and why it is significant for their presence, within these United States of America. How do Native people continue to engage in the precious work of preserving the memory of time, and its connection to wellness and natural movement patterns of the Earth? They are key reminders for a more healing way, in how we are to navigate and move through this land. Its why their contributions and presence is so important. In fact, it’s more than important. Its Divine!

Every day is a celebration of Native Cultural Heritage Month. However, what makes the month of November so imperative, is that it places Native people as the central focus, for a mainstream platform. Its one thing to celebrate within the fabric of one’s very own community. It’s another when your existence is placed on prominent domains to be celebrated. No longer are you the “invisible minority”; nor can you continue to be depicted in that way. Once the myriad, diversity of your images are placed as the focal point of that month, the masses are forced to acknowledge and recognize your presence. Furthermore, they can no longer ignore you. On a greater note, they are forced to accept your presence, and to respect it. If anything else, Native Cultural Heritage Month creates the recognition; even when people pretend that the Indigenous and First Nation people do not exist. Whatever foolishness, or “I didn’t know” jargon, arising from the minds of the ignorant, is immediately silenced when the living proof, and living existence, has been positioned in full view.
Another beautiful aesthetic for the annual celebration of Native Cultural Heritage Month 2020 is how it brings a nourishing awakening into the land. It is one of the forms of victory, as it articulates that, we are still here! And, we are THRIVING! The efforts to erase the very Being and presence of Native people, in these lands, have fallen. It is a victory! So many people do not understand the meaning and definition in what it means to exist, after such atrocities. When your culture and image has been presented as acceptable and “normal,” there is the tendency to take it for granted. You are blinded to that in-depth connection in what it means to truly wake up in the morning. You don’t appreciate it, and all the beauty it has for you. Yet, when you have overcome the agony of hardship, and countless attempts to eradicate your people from the face of this Earth, a person, and their people, have a stronger perspective of being alive. In fact, practices before the pain are illuminated. Awakening each morning to the livelihood of the morning sun. ? ? ? It means that you carry the tradition, and that it will be carried to future generations. It means that you have been blessed to experience the Earth in the continued practice of your people’s existence. It is one of the greatest forms of wonder and celebration to the Earth and the Creator’s domain.

On a greater awakening of November, as Native Cultural Celebration Month, is the actual celebration, itself. Its an opportunity for those outside of Native communities to research and be active in learning about the impact of different Native communities, throughout the United States. Reading books by Native authors, and learning about the contributions of Native people to this land. Inventors. Congresspeople. Fashion Designers. Architects. Cultural Creators. The list continues onward. Its an opportunity to observe Native people outside of “Thanksgiving,” turkey ?, and pilgrims. And, if we are going to reflect upon Thanksgiving Day, then let’s examine the true his/herstory of what happened, on that day.

And then, there’s the music. Yes! There is that presence of sound, beat, the drum, movement, and every wonder of dancing onto the bareness of Earth’s soiling, so that a person can experience the process of moving healing through Earthly domains. There are blessings and beauties throughout every avenue. Therefore, the biggest awakening into this medicinal realm, is in observing dancing as a healer. It is a sacred partnership with the Earth in moving healing energy throughout the land; that the community may sense this renewal and rebirth, every morning! Performing music ??? throughout the opened spacing of the land, and knowing that its performance is a sacred contract with Heaven. Again, these practices are not solely reserved for the month of November. Yes, for the month of November, Native Cultural Heritage Month is a month for the awakening of those outside of the community; understanding that there are other ways, in which people have learned to navigate this land. Other expressions of time. Other presentations of navigating one’s purpose in life, within the United States of America. There is another side to this country besides being an economic, political, and military super power. Regardless if people acknowledge it or not, a great presence of holistic wellness and communal regard for the Earth, her animals, and her people is prevalent. Native/Indigenous communities are representations of such spacing, within the United States of America.

Examining the treasures of this month, we push forward in understanding its beauty. A great awakening and shift is taking place, within this country. Truth shall be revealed. And the Native/Indigenous presence has an opportunity to observe such a wonder. That is what makes this month, a different celebration than others, prior to. And so, as we move through the celebratory practices of this month, let us remember those prior times. Celebrate them and the people they reflected. Allow one’s Spirit to be restored; unchaining the shackles of timely and spatial restrictions. There is a reason for why we are experiencing a change in the air; and its on a different aura from what we know it, to be.

In honor of Native Cultural Heritage Month, we celebrate for healing. We celebrate for victory, and the blessing of vigilance. Showering blessing on a people’s image and reflection, to still have occupancy on Earth’s domain. We celebrate because learning and acknowledgement releases the Soul from bondage; allowing humanity to fully comprehend, and appreciate, what it means to holistically, be around. For a people’s culture to be in existence! And that my Dears, is the epitome, of celebration ! #NativeCulturalHeritageMonth