Let’s start with this. I have nine kids.
So a lot of people have been asking me how things are going at my house. “Never boring” is the answer I give most often. But if I’m being honest, we’re surviving on way too much screen time and an extra large helping of forgiveness. Forgiveness for a full day, everyday of mom in a meeting. For school work that’s hard without a teacher. For no hanging out with friends. For this brother who’s just 14 and moody. And this 4 year old who can’t leave him alone. For all of it.
And if I’m being really honest, I think we all could use an extra large helping of forgiveness right now. The Latin kind of forgiveness — to give away completely. I’ve seen a lot of posts calling for kindness and I think that’s important. But you can be kind and still let the slow fire of anger, fear, and frustration burn you from the inside out.
Only when we can forgive — give it all away, let it all go—will we find peace on even the hardest days. Forgiveness for ourselves. Forgiveness for our families, our spouses, our kids, our parents. Forgiveness for our leaders. Forgiveness for people who are just doing their best, but still doing it wrong in our eyes.
If 9 kids have taught me anything, it’s how to love, let go, and forgive.
Originally published on LinkedIn.com