We all need a little pep talk from time to time. There are times when nothing seems to work. Friendships are strained, families are fighting, money trouble, business problems, the list goes on and on. 

While it’s great if can just pick up the phone and talk to someone, there are times when we don’t want to share our struggles with even our closest friends. Therapy is one way to go, but personally, I prefer to learn from other people’s experiences.

I once read that Mayor Giuliani in the wake of the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York read Winston Churchill’s book and how he managed to persevere even in the face of overwhelming odds. Very few of us will ever have to face a situation such as 9.11 but regardless, there are times when we will be challenged. 

It’s when our backs are up against the wall that we need help. It’s at those times when I need a little motivation.

Here are 7 TED talks that I like to listen to when things are going my way and I need a little help getting through it. 

First up, the master motivator himself (he prefers the term high-performance coach), Tony Robbins. 

Based on his best selling book, Drive, let Dan Pink share his thoughts on motivation in this great talk.

Rejection and failure often teach you more than success. Listen to what Jia Jiang learned from his 100-day experiment.

Take a listen to Adam Grant’s talk and see how many habits you share with original thinkers.

Virginia Tech professor of psychology Scott Geller discusses boundaries – the logic behind them and how to break them. 

Relationship expert, Mel Robbins, shares her views on the importance of just getting started, the danger of being “fine” and being honest with ourselves.

Who knew you could learn so much from a bike ride? Shimon Schocken shares his thoughts. Maybe it’s time to dust off your bike and get out there.