If you haven’t noticed, there is a subtle and sometimes not so subtle shift happening in the definition or better yet redefinition of success in the entrepreneurial community worldwide. Courageous entrepreneurs are starting to measure success now in terms of time freedom and quality of life instead of the old fashioned money in the bank and material success. If you are still chasing the latter without broadening your perspective, you will get stuck in a vicious circle of continuous yearning and never reaching what you actually authentically want. You will get frustrated, angry, disappointed, even depressed, because you would have invested so much of yourself into something that is not aligned with your true needs, your souls calling. And no amount of money in the bank can satisfy an unexpressed, unactualized soul. No money can do that.

Time freedom is soul freedom, and quality of life means richly experiencing what you love and crave from your heart. If your business goals and objectives are narrowly aligned with only hitting a monetary target without adding to it the experience of life you want to have while reaching that number, you have set yourself up for grand failure. Cos even if you make it and cash in, your soul will remain unsatisfied and wont be able to enjoy success on those terms. It wants more. And it deserves more.

Take the time to create a business vision that will represent the whole of you. Or redefine the vision you have to match your soul’s desires now. I can help. I am on the cutting edge in terms of creating models of businesses that synthesize your heart, mind and spiritual yearnings combined. I help courageous warrior entrepreneurs lead the way to create business success on terms that match their soul without heavy compromises that kill creativity, joy, sustainability, connection and belonging you crave, while still making great money. If this is something that you feel an internal pull towards, something that has been a growing need within you lately, let’s talk. I will show you an easy and fast way to get aligned with your personal depths and help you to truly express what it means to be passionately alive. All journeys are unique and yours will be too. Let’s unlock your authentic business vision and transform any success blocks on the way to it. Let’s redefine success on your own terms. Apply to work with me now: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=12522942

Originally published at medium.com


  • Dunja Radosavljevic

    Mentor and Coach

    To learn more visit my website http://bit.ly/2vHHmFq I help clients live their orgasmic life by reclaiming their essence. I do that by allowing them to process emotional pain and fog that's blocking the access to their brilliance and who they truly are. I facilitate the transformation of core emotional issues from client's past that need healing and empowerment. Resulting from this process is the release of their authentic strengths which are require in order to walk the path of brilliance. My clients are surprised at the level of relief and breakthrough they feel after just one session. One client said: "So this morning I was tidying up all the scraps of paper with notes and ideas on them, and I was looking in my journal at the list of negative beliefs that I wrote before we spoke. 23 of them in total and currently only a couple created any real trigger. You are bloody amazing!"