It’s the end of the year! And we are on the threshold of a brand new one.
As is my tradition for the last 16 years, I have a brand new reflection and planning tool for you.
It’s based on the premise that all things flow between polarities (things that look like opposites but are actually complimentary).
The two polarities are BEING and HAVING, and THINKING and DOING. We move around the polarities in a cycle: Be first, then Do, then Have, and then Think. You can jump in at any point, and keep cycling through for ever greater insights.
Each polarity swings between an internal focus (being and thinking) to an external one (doing and having). As we move between the internal and external, we can gain new insights and experiences.
The first part of the handout, we look back on the year that is gone. We can see how the experience of being and doing produces ENERGY, how doing and having creates RESULTS, how having and thinking allows GROWTH, and how thinking and being allows us to cultivate MINDSET.
There are reflection questions for each stage.
In the design section, we look at how these same combinations allow us to focus on how to Ease Up, Level Up, Reach Out, and Chill Out. With prompting questions for each, it feels like a lovely way to get ready for an extraordinary year ahead!
Lots of love to you and yours this holiday season!
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