2-3X each week, I livestream career advice on LinkedIn. It’s part of my company’s mission to help a million people grow their careers in 2020. Since we started these talk shows in January, there’s been an overwhelming number of viewers sharing their concerns around age discrimination in the comments. Seasoned workers are frustrated. They’re angry. They’re scared. So today, I did a training on why age discrimination is so high in 2020 and the one thing people over the age of forty need to do to get past it.
WARNING: This advice is hard to hear. But, my job isn’t to tell you want you want to hear, it’s to tell you what you need to hear to move forward.
In the session, I discuss:
- How the “Wisdom Tax” works against professionals as they age.
- Why the Okay Boomer trend is driving more age discrimination.
- How the solution lies in taking ownership of your fixed mindset.
- The 4 techniques people over 40 need to apply to fight against age discrimination.
This article was originally published on LinkedIn.