I’ve been taken to the mountain top and into the depths of hell.

I’ve been taken to the mountain top and into the depths of hell.

I’ve seen the best and the worst of creation on this planet and I still choose love.

I’ve seen creation from the vantage point of distance, from the beginning of time to eternity. I’ve been taken into the cosmos and back again. I’ve been through the black holes and seen the images that the Hubble space station send us.

We are but a speck of dust in a universe that is a speck of dust in creation. There is so much more. There is sooo, much more that we can even begin to imagine. It is vast, it is beautiful, it is beyond our wildest imaginings.

We, here on planet earth right now are here by design. There are those of us who are here to midwife the transition from a state of separate into Oneness; those of us who are wayshowers and light bearers. There are some who are in a very early incarnation; those who still steal and pillage through life; those who have not come to know love at all, who feel alone and who blast through with only their man power and will power. Those who are showing us the polarites; that which is unlike love.

There are some on this planet who are here “serving time”, so to speak, who have come to learn love and kindness and compassion. Some are learning it, others not even beginning to yet.

But why are we here? It’s all for experience. It’s all a great big experiment in separation and it’s about to come to an end. We can help midwife the end of times as we know it, into a planet that truly is beautiful, into an experience on this planet of remembering our wholeness, our brilliance, our light.

And when that happens, everything changes. Everything shifts. I’ve seen it, I’ve been show and taken to the places in consciousness that are stuck in our human beingness. And I’ve been shown a way out.

I’ve been given a technique, a technology, that gently, quickly and easily dissolves the barriers to love; that shatters life-long limiting beliefs and patterns that keep us in fear and separation. I’ve been given the tools to discover the pathway to light and love. Not a human love, but a love that is the very foundation of our universe and of creation itself. It needs a new name for the word love is so tainted now. But love it is.

I’ve been called to greatness, not egoic or personality greatness, but to a greatness of Spirit that is within each of us. I’ve answered the call to shine the light for all who are ready for it — the light of awakening. The light of Truth, the light of Love.

Will you answer the call? Will you join me in being the light bearer, the way shower, in bringing a new way of being onto the planet? It starts with you. Make the commitment to Be the light and not feed the darkness. Make the commitment to shining light on all the places of darkness in your consciousness. Make the commitment to seeing and being the best you can be in any moment.

Make it now! I know you want to. Make it again at a deeper place in your awareness.

Originally published at medium.com