The way I was socialized in the American culture formed my beliefs. How I’ve interpreted my learnings often translate to “what I should do”. My beliefs reflect what is true for me. They influence my decisions then inform my actions which I refer to as “shoulds”. My beliefs are the mothership for my learnings which are stored in my brain.
My brain has files and files of my beliefs. These files influence my decisions, how I interact in my life with others and how I treat myself. Here’s the catch, these beliefs are not always true. They manifest in my head as thoughts, stories often framed by guilt or fear. For example, I believe to be a good person or friend, I should put others before me, I should work more be a model employee, I believe people should know “this” already, or I am not good enough or have enough and the list goes on and on. My beliefs can motivate me to take action to ensure the happiness of myself or others, my monetary success or to be a model employee. For me, these beliefs can take me away from myself, it’s been a perfect way to lose who I am.
Magnify Beliefs Though Inquiry
Although inquiry is new for me, I am committed to unpacking what beliefs are not true. The more curious I get, reflect, I learn what “shoulds” are at my own expense. Some of these beliefs have nothing to do with who I am. With the support of my meditation practice and my New Ventures West colleagues, I am slowly unpacking these beliefs. The more I use inquiry to learn about my beliefs, the more freedom I experience to support my wellbeing. The outcome is more peace while making guilt free decisions.

I am a belief catcher. Meaning, I am trying to collect my beliefs in the moment they arise to examine them. The inquiry process raises my awareness about what keeps me connected to myself. The process is not for the faint of heart. The hard moments crack my heart open, revealing old beliefs, pointing to what is true. What I discover is more of myself. A new lens to view others, the world I live in. A new way to be me experiencing more peace, more joy.
“When you feel a peaceful joy, that is when you are near truth” RUMI