Its valuable to consider where our energy is coming from. How do we create it and maintain it? After some thought, I think ultimately the unknown is what gives me energy. The possibility of growing goals and desires into fruition gives me energy. I enjoy learning new things and am very curious so I suppose the unknown allows me to feel adventurous occasionally as well.
How do we enrich energy from a conceptual sense? It has to be renewing and continuously built in order to be maintained. This can include powerful interactions with other people. Hearing about another person’s passions, pastimes, or opinions can be very engaging. This is one type of engagement that serves as momentum for building energy in a conceptual sense.
Many times we can be so “emotionally drained” or burnt out by the day to day consistencies of work, stress or even familial responsibilities that it is refreshing to break it up with social interactions or a even a book about a new topic that recently caught your attention. Once our awareness sees energy as something that is not necessarily limitless we begin to operate from a place of “deficiency” or protection. As much as I like to stay productive, involved and informed rest and rejuvenation are necessary in order to recoup and maintain my overall well-being and engagement.
In this protective state it’s important to consider how we can both protect and maximize the energy we receive and create. There are four main areas of energy to differentiate between. These are positive energy, negative energy, cognitive energy, and physical energy. Below I would like to offer some considerations or examples if you wish to do your own personal exploration with respect to these four areas of differentiation. Additionally, you may want to consider perspective by considering each area from both an inward and an outward space. Documenting your thoughts or ideas on paper or a voice recording can also be helpful for revisiting your work as you are developing your energetic awareness.
Part 1: Positive Energy & Negative Energy
When evaluating outward interactions cleansing or straining negative frequencies as they enter the body is important. How can you treat your attention and perspective like a force field and your awareness as a strainer? There can be an immeasurable amount of energies and interactions to filter throughout our time in the day. It is key to be aware of attaching thoughts, emotions or actions to feelings or vibrations that may pass through our energetic field. It’s true that both negativity and positivity will exist in our awareness. However, it is helpful to have tools for navigating and acknowledging this truth on a consistent basis. One tool that is helpful for dealing with negative energy is acknowledging it fully. By this I mean, not trying to avoid it or extinguish it, but gaining a healthy inner authority for its existence. A visual example could be eating a Pistachio nut. In this case it is easy to discern and put aside the parts we don’t need or want along with what we do. You will find a bowl or trash can to collect the shells and you will enjoy the rest of the nut. This is one way we can begin to shift our perspective to operate more efficiently while acknowledging the inevitability of the presence of negative energy.
Living up to other people’s expectations of interactions is something that can be difficult inwardly for many of us to decipher. Of course it is necessary to try and treat others the way they want to be treated and with respect in order to garner positive relationships. However, sometimes we make a mistake or do something awkward or unnatural that could be misinterpreted. This is an example of a situation that can leave us feeling badly or ruminating about how it can be fixed. The truth is we can never go back in time only forward into a more developed command over ourselves and relationship management. In many cases it’s best to revisit your internal relationship to your feeling about the interaction and decipher why you felt wrong and live up to the opportunity of doing better in the future opportunities. Sometimes when we have expectations inwardly they can be reflected back to us in interactions we have outwardly.

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash
Another key consideration for monitoring our energy from an inward perspective in relation to others is not expecting too much from other people. By this I also mean, acknowledging other people’s capacity for your circumstances or interactions. Someone may be one thing to you one day and then another day be less of that thing you “needed” or related to. Even with a family member, friends or co-workers an individuals capacity for those interactive relationships is fluid and can fluctuate based on many factors. Some factors can be the importance of your interactions over others to them, personal issues, mood, or the need for other personal gains and preferences that your interaction doesn’t provide. This semi-connected and at times difficult to gauge premise for human relationships takes a lot of self-awareness and developed personal boundaries in order to maintain positive energy.
Making friends or developing close personal relationships can be difficult even though it is commonly agreed that interacting with others is important to our well-being as people. Trying to accept people for what they are to you and not wanting them to be more than that is important. Taking time to assess your relationships and the people who inhabit them is key. This doesn’t mean in an all or nothing absolute kind of way. Just acknowledging the good parts and accepting the boundaries of that particular relationship is enough. Yes, it’s true in some cases friendships or even familial relationships do end. If you notice a change in an otherwise consistent relationship don’t force it. Perhaps it needs time to breathe. At that point you can asses the newly affirmed boundaries of that relationship based interaction and decide whether or not you want to still fit inside it. If the boundaries have changed slightly, but the relationship is established and important in your life then it’s wise to shift along with it and not expect or push for the old boundaries to be reinstated.
In this interaction and relationship based society things can be so interpersonal and yet so distant. Therefore assessing your energetic connections with yourself and others regularly is healthy for maintaining positivity while managing negativity appropriately. Developing personal boundaries and assessments that are based on your own set of values whether written on paper or spoken is a helpful tool for measuring interactions. This way we can quickly shift and change along with situations, and relationships without becoming stuck in an ideal state that is not fluid or leaves reality masked or difficult to manage.
Part 2: Cognitive Energy & Physical Energy
The cognitive stamina to continue reaching into positivity with your awareness is key to the long term success of your energetic field. This in many cases includes your physical body. When we make choices to change our surroundings or exercise and eat better these are instances when we are exerting our power of choice as a vehicle for our energetic field. If we make a plan to complete something like finish our to-do list or do one hundred sit-ups a day honoring that commitment gives our inward self positive reinforcement. This is important because it then reflects our respect for ourselves outwardly in a non-superficial manner. Do you listen to your own commands? Do you try to live by your own best advice? Often times it can be difficult to maintain regiments we start. If we get off track it’s important not to discourage continuation with our inner voice. This low frequency energetic nuance can both give to us and take away depending on many factors. Some factors can include whether or not we are being reactionary, insecure, proactive or responsible. All these qualities will most likely exist intermittently for us all at some point or another. Some things to consider for managing your physical and mental energy are sleep, stress, and activity. Even monitoring places you frequently inhabit like a grocery store or your local favorite coffee shop can be important. Changing your routine occasionally can contribute to a boost in energy and self-restoration. These small considerations can help our energy from becoming stagnant or unengaged.
When you ask yourself, what gives you energy? Be sure to reinforce it with tangible tools and reflective thought for protecting and fostering a healthy and malleable energetic field.