We were all new once.
We all begin at the beginning.
Let’s welcome all to the table of wellness.
Courage is in showing up at the gym every day of our life AND for the first time.
Courage is saying hello to a new face rather than giving the side eye.
Courage is signing up to learn something new and returning again. And again. And again to build a practice.
Courage is offering a hand rather than wishing they’d go away and leave our weights alone.
Courage is honoring how far we’ve come and being a welcoming presence for someone standing at the bottom of the mountain.
Courage is choosing practices to honor our health. No two practices will look the same.
Courage is recognizing that everyone has a story of health and wellness. Most of them are invisible stories too.
Courage is falling down, getting up, and trying again.
Courage is asking questions and asking for support.
Courage is falling in love with the practice itself.
Courage is inviting everyone—no matter their size, shape, form, or practice—to step into the arena of their highest potential.
When we welcome, engage, and support everyone’s beginning—no matter what it is—we make the world a more courageous and healthy place.