Finding happiness is certainly the goal of many people. I believe that it is a instilled in every healthy human being. I also believe that it is a goal reachable by everyone. The complexity that our daily lives have reached however, has made it very difficult for people to feel happy, to find happiness and hold on to it.
Having to work all day, at unfulfilling jobs for many people, at jobs that drain you, that do not cultivate you as an individual, that do not add up anything to your personal development, returning at home very late at night and simply sitting in front of the TV watching and eating junk food, anxiously waiting for the weekend, simply to reach Sunday night and realize that you did not do anything worthy to exploit it, is unfortunately the norm for the majority of people nowadays.
There are many people that do not realize that they passively live their lives at the way and the pace that certain circumstances have imposed on them. And there are those people, that are restless and are unwilling to sacrifice their life so cheaply, and are continuously searching for ways that will improve the quality of their life and make them happier.
Here are five scientifically proven, yet easy to implement ways, to stay positively happy:
1.Believe in yourself
Don’t let that voice inside you become your biggest critic. Make it be your best fan. The one that will always cheer for you no matter the circumstances. The one that will always remind you of your life’s successes, of your strengths, even when it is the hardest to remember them.
2. Connect regularly with friends and family
Aside from being your own best fan, you must surround yourself with people that love you, that support you, that motivate you to move forward, with people that you feel comfortable and you have fun with. Feeling that you belong, that you have a team of “social allies” will significantly promote positive feelings withing you.
3.Stay inspired
Inspiration is vital in the road towards abundant happiness. Finding reasons, ideas, ways, things that keep you inspired at all times, inspired to work hard, to enjoy life, to continuously develop yourself is a great way and a effective one in the quest of finding happiness and keeping it.
4.Face your fears
Avoiding your fears, hiding them under carpets, is a great to way to move far away from happiness. By realizing that your fears are as powerful as you allow them to be, by ensuring that you face them on a daily basis, not allowing them to interfere with your wants, your goals, your dreams will certainly bring you closer to a happier life.
5.Help others
Robert Ingersoll said that “We rise by lifting others”. Latest research has shown that the amounts of fulfillment in a person rise relatively higher when he/she is involved in acts that help other people, rather than in acts that have a direct positive effect on themselves. Therefore, we should all strive to help other people, in any aspect of our lives we choose to do so, either at work or during our private lives.
Happiness is perceived very differently from any two people, let alone from the whole world. However, the above factors are scientifically proven to improve one’s happiness. They are easy daily steps that can help you feel positive, content, HAPPY!