Something I don’t talk about often – but that you may know if you’ve been in my world a while and have read some my other posts – is that I have epilepsy.
There’s a lot I could say about epilepsy – having lived with it for over 20 years now.
For starters – it’s nothing to be ashamed of. (Despite what my doctor wanted me to believe – telling me to keep it a secret from everyone when I was first diagnosed.) It’s a medical condition. It’s not worth the energy to be ashamed of it.
It’s also WAY more common than you think. (Did you know that about 3.4 million people in America live with epilepsy right now?)
It’s also different for every person with epilepsy – so my experience is not the same as everyone else’s, and I’d never claim to understand anyone else’s experience with it.
But what living with epilepsy has taught me the most – is something you’ve all heard me say before and will hear me say again: the only person who gets to decide what you are capable of is you.
I could have let my epilepsy define my life to the extent that it meant I couldn’t do things – like run marathons, run businesses, or go to law school.
But I chose otherwise.
I’m the only person who gets to decide what I’m capable of – no matter what my current situation.
The same is true for you.
Regardless of what you’re living with, dealing with, struggling with, etc., only YOU get to decide what you are and are not capable of.
Stop letting other people determine what you are or are not capable of.
It doesn’t matter what anyone else says you can or can’t do – it only matters what YOU say you can do.
It also doesn’t matter who says that you can’t do something – whether that person is your mom, your mentor, your best friend, or your spouse.
If someone (whoever they are) tells you that you can’t do something – I want you to give them the middle finger (okay, you only really have to do that in your mind) and think, “fuck you – watch me.”
Because the ONLY person who gets to decide what you are capable of, is you.
The ONLY person who gets to decide if you can or can’t do something, is you.
The ONLY person who gets to decide how life works for you, is you.
Stop letting anyone else dictate the reality YOU get to have.
You can have anything and everything that you want – but it ALL starts with you DECIDING that you can.
Yes, that’s a choice YOU get to make. (That’s true whether you believe me or not.)
Don’t let anyone else make it for you.
YOU get to decide what you are capable of and what’s possible for you.
So – what do you want?
Decide that you are capable of achieving it.
Decide that it is possible for you.
Figure out the steps you need to take to make it happen. (Get help if you need help figuring out what those steps are!)
Then take those steps. Refuse to give up. Keep going.
Only YOU get to decide what you are capable of, what you can and cannot have, and what is possible for you.
Act and live from that place and I promise you – you will get everything you want in life. <3