I am 41 years old and I have been an avid fan of Harry Potter series for a little over a decade, now.
More than just a fan, I suppose. I have read the series many times over. The series is a quick “pick me up” for me, whenever I see clouds hovering on myself. More than the characters, I am fascinated with the mind of Ms. Rowling when she penned the story. I cannot help but experience spiritualism in the pages. I experience verses of the scriptures through the words of Albus Dumbledore. You might say that I am stretching it too far.
But, please allow me to explain myself.
Here are the 3 lessons where I can see the connection.
Have you ever wondered, what made Harry invincible in the face of the powerful Voldemort? Rowling has explicitly explained that it was his mother’s love which protected him and continued to protect him.
What is “love”? There are many definitions of this word – for me, love is an “action” word. It transcends mind, body, and spirit. It is the key ingredient to goodness. It is in thought, in feeling, and in action. “Non-harming” thoughts – in a state of mind, where there are pure innocence and curiosity to explore and understand. Love is the daily practice to tame our “ego” – the sense of self. By that chain of thought, love is compassionate – wanting good for others.
Love is the first and foremost ingredient to a purposeful human existence. Daily pursuit of cleansing and awareness”ing” love – is a lifetime endeavor.
The Mirror of Erised – in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone” – Dumbledore goes to explain to Harry, that only a “happy” man will see only his reflection in the mirror. The mirror has the magic to show the person his deepest desires and unfulfilled dreams. This struck me as a powerful lesson on “contentment”.
The illusion of the chase to happiness is like chasing a mirage. Acceptance without judgment, trusting God to have given us just what we need for today and feeling the gratitude and joy of being alive – are some of the life lessons which can be found in the scriptures. Thus, the essence of a happy life – is “contentment”.
Happiness is just another state of mind – and when we choose to accept the things just as they are and be grateful for what we have been given, without judgment and with faith, we can live moment by moment in utter joy.
The hedonistic lifestyle and state of mind can give us a dopamine high – but not happiness.
“Help shall always be given to those, who want it” – Albus Dumbledore to Harry. Doesn’t it sound a bit like, “Seek and you will find”? or, “Ask, and you’ll be given”? or, “the universe conspires to give you what your mind is seeking actively”? Harry did not know, what he needed. But down in the chamber of the secrets, he asked for help and there appeared the sorting hat.
Faith is always something which bewilders me – surprises me, saves me and gives me hope. I have already recounted one of my many journeys around faith, in the article: https://community.thriveglobal.com/stories/12210-faith.
But here I want to express the connection between faith and Harry Potter.
Love, faith, and contentment – the concoction of the three make the magical potion of “happiness” for me.
Come to think of it, we have been looking for happiness everywhere outside of us when it is residing right within us – all we need to do is dig deep and look out for the magic.
Next time, keep your mind open – you never know, from where you will get your magic lessons, outside of Hogwarts.
Signing off now, with much love and gratitude.