During OWN’s third-annual SuperSoul Sessions (a series where thought leaders converse in front of a live audience) Oprah Winfrey and author Gary Zukav sat down and got to talking about politics. The takeaway? Fear holds way too much power over our leaders these days.
Zukav, author of Seat of the Soul, underscored how political tensions in the U.S. are exacerbated by the current administration that he believes is “encouraging hate crimes, which is encouraging division, which is encouraging fear.”
Oprah acknowledges that fear is driving the government these days, saying “We’re living in a world of fear-based leadership.” Such leadership, she argues, will only lead to “more and more fear and create more fear — unless we, the people, can authentically align with ourselves.”
That sentiment resonated with the audience, prompting them to call for her candidacy next election cycle. While Oprah says she won’t be running for president, her words are ones we should all remember.
Watch a video of the Q&A here.
Originally published at journal.thriveglobal.com