Where does the essence and dynamics of  optimism lie? As the essence of light lies in its power to illuminate, what we call its luminous intensity, similarly the essence of optimism lies in its power to inspire and motivate us beyond all hurdles and challenges.

True optimism is not just positive thinking or a positive state of mind. It’s a dynamic condition of our being which has the power and the force to effectively undo any negative or depressive tendencies that tend to build up in us in any challenging situations of life. Without such countering impact onĀ  probable negative and depressive tendencies no optimism can be called true or genuine optimism.

As the light we receive from the sun is not just a luminous state of the atmosphere around us but a dynamic condition which produces warmth and alters the very quality of our existence and being. Similarly true optimism is not just positive thinking or a positive state of mind, it’s a dynamic condition of our being which gives us the power to be positive, to think and act positively.

To think positive and to be optimistic does not mean not to take stock of the objective reality of our life and the life of people around us. It means to develop the capability to give them a positive turn.

As we need to look beyond the patches of sunlight and shadow on the earth to be aware of the actual source of light to know their real origin and impact on our lives similarly we need to look beyond the bright and dark states of mind and consciousness to be aware of and access the real source of light and illumination within us.

A truly sunny temperament emerges from the capability to rise above the fleeting shadows and patches of light i.e. the varying states of our mind and consciousness.

In true optimism one can see both the sides of a situation, seemingly bright as well as dark, as they are projected at the level of the mind and go beyond them. The important thing to note is that one is aware of the apparent nature of perception which is seemingly positive or negative. If this awareness deepens it becomes total, or perception becomes not only whole but holistic and in it we can see things in their totality and also empathize with them.

As knowing well the source of daylight, its direction and intensity and utilizing their power well results into the better exploitation of solar power, as knowing well the direction and force of wind  results into the better exploitation of the wind power, similarly knowing well the source of light, illumination and inspiration in us cultivates the force of true optimism and its better utilization to seek innovative solutions to the challenging situations and problems of life.