Becoming a Trauma Life Coach was not a hard decision. After surviving two major car accidents, I was compelled to helping others to cope and to overcome their traumatic experiences as well. It can be extremely difficult to move forward especially when you’re constantly reliving those moments not just physically, but mentally.
One can easily become a prisoner in one’s own mine , especially by the memories of such events . The triggers can be as simple as a smell, a voice, or even a place. These triggers are sometimes what kept you stuck and totally confounded and confused. They can eventually lead to great and very deep pain of depression, anxiety , and stress disorders that can also lead to other disorders such as eating disorder, sleeping disorders and even mental disorders, causing a total limitation and Unbalance in that person’s life.
It is my passion as a Trauma Life Coach to give that support and to encouragement others who have been traumatized by events or experiences such as car accidents, abuse , personal or financial losses etc . I also help them to deal with the present situation, whatever it maybe.
Starting at the place where he or she is in the present awareness , can also help them to get a better understanding and a detailed, clarification of where they are coming from and where they want to go.
Have a complete and detailed picture in mind of what they want their future to look like, will help them to deal with the past so that they can work towards moving into their destiny.
We are all here for a specific and important purpose;however, sometimes it is not revealed to us until we have gone through some type of challenges or difficult experiences. I believe that life’s challenges help us to become grounded and focused. They represent our testing sessions which is what , I believe, subconsciously prepared us to walked into our own Devine purpose. In our daily lives, most often, when a person walks into an interview for a job, the interviewer usually asked a very important question, “Do you have any experiences”? If the answer is yes, automatically this helps the person to become quality for that position of which he/ she seeks. So it is with our purpose;each individual needs to have that specific qualifications. In my opinion, been through traumatizing or other very tough times in life, makes one qualified for that which he or she is here for. It makes us become humanize so we can understand how to help others and connect with others that we would otherwise not be connected to. It meshed us together as we are supposed to be meshed. It enables us to fix in this puzzle we called life.
Rose Marie Young.