Thoughts for today.
Tips and tricks on overcoming fear? Honestly, I don’t have them all. I still go through moments of fear and I fail heavily in my faith when it comes to overcoming certain situations. I’m human and I’ve learned and am still learning that I cannot work through my fears alone. Ugh! I do not like the word FEAR. It has stunted much needed growth in so many areas of my life. Many times, it’s made me feel as if I wasn’t depending on God enough. As if I was lacking in my spiritual life, and as if my actions were leading God to feel as if he wasn’t “doing his job”. I never want God to feel that I am not trusting in him enough, but the truth is that, God understands. He’s so powerful and sovereign, his thoughts will never be our thoughts, and we are too small in comparison to ever make God feel anything that we may want or not want him to feel. God knows that fear exists and he knows that fear is a natural human emotion. It is not invented by man, BUT, the big question is, is fear of God? Ask yourself, is it? Take some time to reflect and if possible write down the things you are fearful of and reflect on those for a little bit. While you think about this, let’s search up the bible and see what God says about fear. In Jeremiah 17: 7-8 it says the following: “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” – Jeremiah 17:7-8 – OH MY! First amazing tip! Ready?
Tip #1 – Trust in the Lord. Trusting in God in every situation will lead you to be as strong as a tree that is planted. & not every tree, but a tree who’s roots cannot be moved even with the greatest of storms. Isn’t that just beautiful? Ah! It totally makes me sigh, in love with Jesus.
Another verse: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” –Psalm 23:4 – Receive comfort from the Lord, right now, right this moment, because as I write this I feel the Lord. I feel his presence. No matter what you are going through, illness, sadness, moments of disappointment and doubt, even thoughts of suicide. Receive God’s comfort and love, retain his words like a hug that you don’t want to let go of. God is right beside you.
Tip # 2 Just call onto the one who gave you life because he saw how precious and powerful you would be on this earth. YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE GOD’S PRIZED POSSESSION. Did you know that he loves you so much as an individual that he left the 99 to go after YOU? To rescue you?
There are so many things in life that we are fearful of that are currently keeping us away from our true purpose. The enemy uses fear as a tool to keep us away from reaching our full potential and as a way to attack us daily, but one verse that is so beautiful to read and grab onto is the following:
“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” – Psalm 94:19
YES! Why do you think these verses are there? Available for you, for free in the bible? God, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, sent his only son to die on the cross for you and for me. He foresaw our sufferings, he understood what living in the world with the enemy on full attack daily is like. He knows. He understands. So he has allowed for us have tools that we can use to fight off the enemy with strength, endurance, resilience and with power. God has not left us, nor will he ever. Don’t leave him because the enemy is continuously lying in your ear and instilling fear to keep you stuck. He wants you stuck, because if you’re stuck, you won’t reach your full potential in Christ, which is so powerful and the one we should always seek after.
Do you remember when I said to write down the things you are fearful of? Here’s another verse: “Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
You are not alone. Your feelings of fear are valid, but you cannot stay in that fear mode for too long. You have to move. The enemy uses his tools of lies and deceit, but one powerful tool that you have that he doesn’t have, is the power of the Holy Spirit, right beside you to guide you.
So today I pray that you are encouraged to keep fighting the good fight. Your reward will be great. Your reward will be eternal life with our father. Don’t give in. God gives life and in time, God takes life. You are not to take your life, for it is yours alone.
As always, a little long, but straight from the heart. God is good and his mercies are forever. You can do all things with God who strengthens you. Amen.
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