The world of music, and those gifted to contribute to it, is a Universal element on it’s own. We can not live without music. We cannot work without music. On a greater account, we cannot overcome the day-to-day challenges, while going through those traumatic experiences, without the power of music. Three days ago (August 9, 2019) served as the 56th heavenly birthday celebration of the legendary, phenomenal. . .Whitney Houston!
Whitney Houston graced the world with her voice, her grace, her elegancy, Spirit, kindness, and most importantly. . .her ability to overcome the difficulties, which comes with work responsibilities. Sometimes, they come with a heavier load. We can only imagine those times where she may have shed tears, prior to getting on stage for a performance. Or how she poured her personal challenges into the lyrics, vocality, and texture of her songs. How her battles, persona, and overall humanity created those Earthly albums. It can definitely be lonely at the top. People don’t know the stressors faced by those in the limelight. Those who are given magnanimous talents from the Creator; which come through the rarities of lifetimes. The pressure it takes to sustain oneself at such high levels of success and fame. And, yet, she carried on!
One of the many lessons that we can learn from this legendary song bird and diva, is how she worked. In her last album, that devotion was astoundingly highlighted! I Look To You breathed the power of hope and preserverance. What does it mean to truly reflect upon a higher power? Relying on that power, during those times when we don’t even have a towel to throw in. Those uncertain times when we comfort the certainty of failure. Feeling stuck in pursuing our passion, getting back to our peak performance and productivity, after having failed in some attribute of our career or job. It feels as if there is no way out. Hanging on the brink of hopelessness and despair. It’s one thing to being on the top and staying there. It’s another to be on the top, and having to find your way back. Yet, it is not impossible. It can be done, and you can find your way, again.
“I didn’t know my own strength, and I crashed down, and I tumbled, But I did not crumble, I got through all the pain.”-Whitney Houston, “I Didn’t Know My Own Strength”
We have those periods in our career and professional realm. If we are honest and candid about our lives, then we know there are many of us, who have gone through that period of losing it all, only to start over again. We have those whispers, when we are trying to re-gain grace, and re-claim the greatness that we know ourselves to be. It’s part of the phenomenon of re-building our purpose on Earth!
Another lesson to be learned from the music of Whitney Houston is taking responsibility for how we have, or may have, lost opportunities in our personal and career fields. Whether they were intentional; unable to deal with abusive management; not having the knowledge tools for navigating around toxic circumstances; or simply knowing that the working environment is not suitable for you. Then again, you could have been at the top of your career field-only to get a dose of this reality, called. . . life!
And guess what? It’s not always pretty!
“Nothing should matter, Not when love grows inside you, The choice is yours, There’s a miracle in store, Nothing should matter, Not when love grows inside you, A voice of love is crying out, Don’t throw love away, There’s a miracle in store.”-Whitney Houston, “Miracle”
After being on top, and going through all of life’s wildfires, one of the greatest moments of Whitney Houston was her legendary comeback. The masterpiece that was produced, and the message of hope, love, redemption, and triumph that comes with it. It was a work of love! The world cheered on, as one of the greatest voices returned to the vocal stage. The moment was a memoriable experience. And, it is a personal tale on what happens when you continue on that road of success, even when you have lost your way.
Aside from her voice, persona, and overall kindness, one of the greatest gifts that Whitney Houston gave the world, were her lessons on courage, faith, and perseverance. That no matter if we go through periods, where we are no longer at our career best (producing our best performances or at the peak of our work spaces), with patience and dedication, we can always return back to our level of greatness. And return to it with a greater love!