P O W E R F U L !!!!!!!!
you must listen to this song
where is the love ????
when our love melts our hate
only then can we come together
not only with people who think like us but with people
of all races, all nations, all sexual preferences
when we allow people to love in whatever way they feel to love
to really love one another . . .
young and old, all religions and no religions, rich and the poor
conservative and liberal, democrat and republican,
no borders in the land we live in
or in the landscape of our mind
we each must find that pure, innocent, beautiful, childlike place in our hearts
where we love for the sheer joy of loving
no sides, only middle
no differences, we are the same
respect for all.
we all want to be love and accepted
listened to and heard
acknowledged and validated.
we all want to be seen for who we are
not what we look like or how much money we have
we want to be seen, really seen
heard, really listened to
loved, really loved
and each of us can give this to each other.
this is the world that is
beneath all the “bot” driven hate messages that separate us
there is only love.
where is the love