Working with Kids

Tips for working from home with 2 small children during #Covid19

At the time of writing this, we are in week two of the mandated shelter in place. Schools are closed, non-essential businesses are closed, working from home implemented, fear and uncertainty spilling over to panic buying and hoarding, small businesses suffering and unemployment claims on the rise.

A mother of two small children I start my day at 4 am — pushed earlier to balance for breaks during the day (shared childcare between my husband and me). Before checking email, Slack, WhatsApp, or social media – I take 5 minutes to write out the things I am thankful for and what I will do to bring positivity into our daily routine. It has helped to look back at that list when the weight of the world feels overwhelming.

Tips for finding balance when the weight of the pandemic is overwhelming:

– take 5 minutes at the start of your day and write out what you are thankful for, and what you will do to make today a good day – meditation

– 2/3 times a day for 5 minutes – schedule your day – I work in 90-minute cycles sharing the childcare with my husband. We host “mommy/daddy” class for our 3 year old who now associates a bell with a change in routine.

– routine – children thrive on routine it helps balance their emotions amidst the current upheaval of their daily lives.