Coming to unfamiliar spacing and terrain has its challenges. Well, that is an understatement. In fact, it can be emotionally draining. Spiritually irritating and mentally depleting. You feel removed from the comforts of happiness. It could be a lifeless feeling. It is a lifeless feeling, when you have just experienced trauma, pain, or the loss of a loved one. You can only truly understand the cacophony of this experience if you have actually gone through it. Its a aura you know exists–even if you are unable to explain it.
After moving to unfamiliar territory we begin the journey of making it familiar. Its one of the ways of dealing with the naturalness of our existence there. Working and creating our space makes the normalcy of our existence, in the foreign sphere, a reality. It is also a method for sustaining our sanity, when unfamiliarity shows up in our lives. Movement can be metaphorical or physical. Its emotional or mental. Even in known territory, the foreign can be present. Often it comes when we have taken a different journey in spaces we have previously travelled, and journeyed on. Sometimes this can be worse than totally going into the unfamiliar because there are memories there. Not all of them are good. Some of them take direction to the reality of tasks having gone unfinished. Thereby, you were sent to that same area or terrain to complete them. You were sent there for the finalizing of a journey, left so abruptly. It can be scary. Then again, it can be the epitome of redemption. It all depends on how we choose to cope with it.

One of the first methods of making unfamiliar terrain, familiar, is to move within that territory. Whether that spacing is a new job position, new residential spacing, new friendships, or new social engagements, its very important to explore that terrain. Much of that pertains to one’s ability to overcome fear and simply dive in. Its also very important to understand the role of time, when it comes to crafting the familiar. For example, one can come back to a familiar place, and experience unfamiliar and foreign energy. Energy that feels strange, foreign, and disconnected from one’s very Being. So, in turn, an individual is forced to re-explore that familiar territory, and discover things, which had been previously hidden from one’s very Being. In this latter phase, we are forced to appreciate the spacing even more. Fully immersing into its very existence in order to take part in every aspect of the sensory engagement. Once you locate and experience these elements, you find yourself in a place of comfort. Furthermore, you have re-introduced yourself to a new awakening of your very presence in that spacing. That’s the magic and power of time. It has the power to make spaces, once traveled or inhabited upon, seem distant or strange. Reminding us of the significance of consistency and nourishing those spaces that we placate upon. Should we ever navigate from them, time has a way of getting us in line; making sure that we never forget our removal from that particular terrain.

As we are exploring and navigating through that terrain, we go through a period of finding and celebrating the many beauties and treasures of its existence. Its ecstatic! Don’t you think? In locating the different jewels of that spacing, we discover new beauties and treasures within ourselves. We learn more about who we are. Our talents! Our spiritual paintings. Most importantly, we begin to create new beauties, reflecting our personal intimacies and value, on this new journey. Its fantastical!

Then, of course, there is that ugly reality concerning that initial phase. That first step taken when we arrive on new terrain. Fear. The scary realities of the unknown. What is hidden! And, here is an even scarier one. . . insecurities. That’s right! Self doubt. What if you are unable to even take that first step! That tiny voice inside of you, which tells you that you cannot overcome this hurdle. So, when you are moving back to that familiar territory (during a different time), or going into new spacing, what do you use to overcome that fear? Such an important factor to consider, after all.
Well, one solution in navigating into new terrain, with fear on our minds, is to simply think about what will happen if we do not take a chance. Stagnation. Regrets. The shouldas, couldas, and the wouldas. There is nothing nice about living with such sentiments. Nothing, at all! And, the last thing you want to do is to sit with anxiety to ponder over the opportunities, that were lost. So, allow that feeling to be the real fear, in one’s inquiry and thinking. Not that silent voice, which secretly wants to see you (and your very Spirit) destroyed.
Another solution relates to finding joy in these new discoveries. Very simple, indeed! Finally, one also needs to consider being able to lavish in the excitement of the journey. This is especially true, as it pertains to one’s ability to be vulnerable. Vulnerable in self-love and the willingness to know that we are deserving of the emotional richness and pleasures to be experienced. Vulnerability in a sense of love and passion. Knowing that we are worthy of the journey, particularly if we have done the work. Deserving of the rewards of that journey, simply because we made that decision to take it. That’s the joy and beauty of an unfamiliar path.

After stepping into that unknown territory, it becomes so natural after a time of being on it. It really does. Things happen to fall in line. All of your needs, and some wants, are taken care of. You feel just as part of that space. You are aware of the scenery. You are in tuned with every step. Every part is a constant therapy. Sweet. Delicate. You become sensitive to all the different parts of the sensory. The rhythms-visible and invisible-are pleasing to the ear. The smells become a natural fragrance. And, the tastes are reminders as to how delightful and fruitious the journey can be. That’s the miracle of experiencing the different and unfamiliar. Sooner or later, it becomes part of you. It becomes a natural aura of you. Beautiful, is it not?

Depression in the initial stages can arise from navigating into unfamiliar terrain. Again, that’s only if we remain stagnant on it. Movement brings healing. Rhythm brings creativity. Putting these two forces together, we write and experience our presence in the invisible. An energy source we can reach into should we need support every day. Every step brings familiarity. Making unfamiliarities of the unknown viable tools, along the way.