There were times in Farrah Ali’s life where those three tenants were all she had to fall back on. In the early 2000s, her world was rocked by a difficult divorce and, with two kids depending on her, she had to start all over, redefine her life’s vision, and move forward with her head held high.

“It definitely felt like it was easier said than done,” Ali said. “But I had all the tools I needed to rise above the temporary hardship, so I tried to keep that as my focus.”

Ali threw herself into her career and, while continuing to raise her children, worked as an underwriting executive by day and earned her undergraduate degree at night. But her dedication to self-improvement and her drive to become, do, and succeed at more didn’t stop there. She earned a MBA from Northern Illinois University in 2013, and it was then that she felt she could do more than just focus on her education.

“I had the experience already, and I knew I had already climbed the corporate ladder once, so what was to stop me from doing it again?” Ali said. “But I wanted to do more for my children, and I knew there was more to making money and building that financial security than just working a day job and bringing home a paycheck.

In 2015, Ali began investing in real estate as a way to earn passive income to ensure that, no matter what, she and her children would be provided for. Since then, she has grown her portfolio to over 35 properties in the Chicago area, and once again decided to expand her reach in the name of helping others.

She co-founded WE WIN LLC, an organization founded on the principle that no woman should feel left alone on her entrepreneurship and investment journeys, in 2019. Ali knew she could take her real estate investment knowledge and experience and equip other women to find success. Her new book, Diaries of a Female Real Estate Investor, has the same aim: to equip those looking for financial security and independence with the tools and support they need to succeed.

A Transformative Approach

If there’s one thing Ali knows from all her years of professional and parenting experience, it’s that time is the most valuable resource one has – not just when it comes to making money. As the adage goes, it’s not just about working harder, but also about working smarter.

“Time is the most valuable resource we have, and I’d rather spend mine on my family and on building a sustainable portfolio of income sources,” she said. “Gaining financial freedom isn’t just about money. It’s about time too.”

Creating passive income through real estate investing might sound intimidating, but Ali said it’s one of the best ways she’s found to build up long term wealth without sacrificing time, energy and sanity. And, in the interest of saving time, she’s put all her tips, tricks and investing savvy into one resource – her bestselling book – that anyone can use.

“Real estate investing doesn’t discriminate,” she said. “Anyone can do it, and I want to prove that by giving people this guide they can follow to find similar success.”

Finding Partnerships that Last

All the resources in the world are worthless if you can’t surround yourself with people willing to support you on your journey. For Ali, that came in the form of mentors and mentees through WE WIN. After so many years of feeling like she had to go at her education, her career, her parenting, and her relationships all on her own, she never wants anyone else – especially her fellow female entrepreneurs – to feel the same.

“Partnerships are so valuable, whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting out or someone who owns investment properties,” she said. “I found support through networks of like-minded women and can’t stress enough how important it is to have that.”

Ali wants to partner with as many women as she can and help them achieve their financial and investment goals. Doing this through her bestselling book and her work with WE WIN is just the beginning.

“I want to keep building resources and assets for women to take control of their futures and financial freedom,” she said. “As long as I’m doing that, I’ll know I’m doing the right thing by my past experiences and all my dreams.”

Farrah Ali is an author, real estate professional and entrepreneur with more than 18 years of professional experience. She has been featured in Business Insider, Yahoo News and on the Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing podcast. To get a copy of her book and access to her free masterclass to learn how to start investing in real estate, click here