I had the pleasure of interviewing Pejman Ghadimi, Best selling author behind Third Circle Theory which has sold over 1M copies worldwide. Founder of Secret Entourage which is home to over 35,000 Entrepreneurs worldwide, and the creator of the Wealth Transfer method which teaches people how to invest in Exotic car and Watches.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

In 2005, I founded VIP motoring which is a wealth preservation firm focused on helping the top .05% of the world’s wealthiest by helping create portfolios in luxury assets like cars, watches, art and luxury real estate. After an Incredible debut in this field and has grown the business to almost 100M in yearly revenue combining my love for cars and my 7 years as an executive banker, it always seemed to be the natural path for me, except I was highly unfulfilled. I felt something was missing and the truth was that my heart was more focused on teaching people than taking their money and doing it for them. Which is why I shifted my focus in 2010 to start teaching those same principles online. From teaching Entrepreneurship online via my books and Secretentourage.com to teaching wealth transfer with Exoticcarhacks.com and Watchconspiracy.com – Today these communities are home to some incredible students over 44,000+ in total and continue to be part of how I leave my legacy behind each and every day.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When no one had heard of Secret Entourage, I had come up with the idea that it would be about the secret to success and mix lifestyle along with it like the show “entourage” which at the time was a big hit. It made perfect sense to me until one day I realized that people all thought I had started an escort service and it wasn’t until a close friend of mine said to me “ how do you do it?” and I said do what? and he said deals with so many women and not actually lose it. So we went on for a 20 min conversation only for him to ask me eventually how it all worked and how to book one, and that’s when I realized that everyone thought I was running an escort service.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

We teach people real-life value and up to date and necessary concepts that were previously kept for only the wealthiest of wealthiest. Most people live the life in a conventional way, they want to belong to peer groups, want a formal education, want to slowly accumulate and save wealth and also worry about taxes, building their businesses in a conventional way. Today the economy moves faster than ever before, information flows three times as fast and the reach to doing business worldwide is as easy as downloading an APP. So for that reason, our company is light years of others because we are helping people adapt to the future, not stay attached to the past but what I am most proud of is that we are starting people up very early on with some of the very successful students being only 17 which I find incredible. I wish I had that type of support at 17 myself.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

Focus on building long-term platform, don’t focus so much on building out short-term products. marketer and teacher are always looking for the next thing each year vs I am trying to get better at that same one thing.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

I never had any mentors which is why I thought when I became successful it would be so important to start my own mentorship group so others don’t struggle as much as I did. My family members were all an inspiration towards what I didn’t want in life. I didn’t want to be a slave to a job, be discarded when I can’t perform as much and of course, simply keep working hoping to save 10% more each year. I knew that all the adversity and issues I had survived in life were there for a reason, I was meant to do more. I used their internal struggles as motivation to never feel the same.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?  

I currently teach others, I have never been the one to donate to a charity that takes 10% of my money to help and 90% to manage itself. Instead, I create my own contribution by helping others who genuinely seek the next step in their life. I enjoy teaching and while 90% of it is done with a fee, 10% of my time Is also spent working with kids in LMI communities to give them a competitive advantage outside of drugs and gangs.

Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share a story of how that was relevant to you in your life?

One of the biggest differentiations I learned in my life was to always manage my time, which is something very few people do. Instead what most do is manage their distractions. They always prioritize their distractions and under very few circumstances manage their time first. I have always done the opposite managing my time ( productive time) before giving any time to distractions. this strategy has allowed me to reach true financial freedom by 27 and full freedom of time by 31. It also allowed me the pleasure of managing 12 companies all while enjoying life. This is the biggest missing piece for some many individuals today.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me before I started my company” and why? Please share a story or example for each.

  • Its never about proving others wrong, it should always be about proving yourself right. There is a difference and when you see it your motivation becomes internal and as a result, helps you get out of bed on time each morning.
  • You can’t be afraid of spending money. You have to make sure you are not just producing to eat but rather producing to keep producing. This is something many Entrepreneurs forget and therefore lose their ability to scale as what they are really doing isn’t building a company but rather buying themselves a job.
  • Sacrifice isn’t about giving up three years of your life etc… its about making better choices, choices that are not always pleasurable. you have to sometimes put other people’s feelings aside and put your business first even if that means that the journey will be a balance of darkness and light.
  • It takes 10 years to find success, and that’s not because it takes 10 years to build a brand but it takes 10 years to master a skill. While we all want to work super fast we are also faced with the reality that mastery takes time and 10 years is often the beginning. Someone should have told me that if you don’t plan on being in that field in 10 years then don’t get started because, in order to make money in any field or any business, one has to strive to become the best at it. and that takes time.
  • Focus on hiring early on. Everyone wants to hire when they make the most money but reality is those times are the worst times to focus on that as business is booming and the last thing you need is to train people at the peak of your game, instead invest in yourself and your people when its hardest to do so, when resources are scarce. they ll feel the pressure, you ll hold higher expectations and they ll become the backbone of your business growth.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

This is what I have already done across the board through my companies. All are movements that bring change daily to all those around me.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

IG: @icreatemillionaires @secretentourage @exoticcarhacks @thewatchconspiracy

FB: Pejman Ghadimi

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!


  • Dillon

    Founder & Editor-In-Chief of Kivo Daily Magazine

    Kivo Daily

    Dillon is the Founder and CEO of MentionWorth. He is an award-winning internet entrepreneur, writer and keynote speaker.