Hello! I’m Elizabeth and I am the author of the best-selling Hay House book PERCOLATE – Let Your Best Self Filter Through and the co-author of the AMAZON HOT NEW RELEASE: Best Ever You: 52 Week Journal to Your Bravest, Boldest Self!

Both books are often referred to as: “The little books that will change your life.” Both books helps people of all ages and levels learn to make lasting changes in their own life and be their best.
I love this graphic as writing a book is one thing…. connecting with others to read and use your book is another!!

I was on the phone with another author and we were chatting about how noisy it is out there. We are constantly bombarded by people asking us to buy what they have to offer. I often think to my self, “If I hadn’t written this book, would I buy it? Would I use it? Do I use my own book daily and moment to moment?”
The answer is confidently yes! I am constantly percolating!
Here is a comment I recently received.
“I absolutely LOVE this book and all that it stands for. Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino does an amazing job of inspiring positive thinking, self-love and mindfulness in an easy to follow 9 Step, thought-provoking process. This book has been an instrumental foundation of information; guiding me through a complete life style transformation over the past year. This transformation has not only allowed me to loose over 100 pounds, but has also allowed me to find my “Best Self” and has taught me to let my best self filter through into all aspects of my life.”
As the founder of The Best Ever You Network, I have found over the years that it is important to touch each life you encounter with grace, compassion and a sense of collaboration, as you never know who needs you and what they are facing in the background that might not be obvious to you in those moments of meeting. I think my book helps us all learn this. It helps us learn mindful and meaningful change that incorporate ourselves and others at the same time and connect us.

PERCOLATE – Let Your Best Self Filter Through guides the reader through a 9-point change process “The PERCOLATE Process” and is written in coffee metaphors. On Best Ever You, we founded the company with Ten Points of Change. In Percolate, we talk about 9 of those points.
Being your best you in an ever-changing process and so the book is written so you can move though the points back and forth or use one here and there to help. My process helps you implement positive changes to excel in every aspect of your life.

Allow for Change to Brew
Choose a Bolder Brew
Create Your Own Best Blend
Grow from Bean to Brew
Brew Strength
Expresso Yourself (Intentionally spelled with the x)
Chillax & Have an Iced Coffee
Buy the Next Round
Percolate Peace
I don’t know about you, but I just really hate feeling my worst. Good isn’t often good enough either. I think I’d rather feel and be my best in as many moments of my life as possible and I hope you do as well. Percolate is for those moments when that voice inside of you is urging you to make changes and seek a richer, more fulfilling life
Do you feel like you’ve been searching for something more meaningful, even if you don’t know exactly what it is?

Personally, between writing PERCOLATE – Let Your Best Self Filter Through and our new book Best Ever You 52 Week Journal, my dad has died. So much of PERCOLATE was about him and his never give up philosophy, which he taught us all, as a stroke survivor from Dec 17, 2004 to Oct 19, 2018.
In 2019, I have had moments of feeling my absolute worst. I joined a club I never signed up for and that is the club for people whose parents are aging or have died. I get it, we’re all aging, we’re not guaranteed another moment and all that self-help stuff you try to keep in your brain to make sure you don’t completely lose it in any moment in grief, but life just isn’t roses, puppy dogs, mantras and perfection 24/7. We want it to be and that’s where the real good stuff happens – in the wanting it to be.
My dad died. I watched him take his last breath. I spent about a month after his death, help my mom who was completely lost and even confused. We all thought she might die right with him since there were married over 40 years. She confessed that she felt like she wanted to die too. It is only the second time in my life where I have seen my mom very lost.
I sat in a parking lot of a Wal-Mart with her while we were waiting for rain to stop and long after the rain had stopped we were still talking about life and what it means and how meaningful it is to even help another person for a moment.
My mom shared with me a story of how during several years while my dad was sick she was extremely jealous of the next door neighbor who seemed to have every blade of grass flowing and growing to perfection even in the strongest winds. One day the neighbor came over and asked my mom if she could take a few things under her care. The neighbor went on to clue my mom in to the fact that the neighbor’s life was in fact far from perfect and they were in foreclosure. The house had been all fixed up with all their might to hold their daughter’s wedding and that none of the kids knew what was actually happening with their parents. My mom said it was an enormous lesson to her to scratch below the surface. Their relationship continued and it was actually my parents who ended up moving because my dad was too ill for that particular home. However, they have stayed in contact.
In just a moment, you have the power to impact another human being in a positive way.
Our New Journal

I’ve teamed up to bring you this inspiring 52 week journal. You’ll become your bravest, boldest you as you write about your life, values, habits and more in this year-long journal. You are the coffee in the cup of life. What are you brewing? Create your own best blend. Using our Six Principles, you will take a look at different aspects of your life. Be real with yourself, enjoy the process and keep going on the journey towards becoming your Best Ever You! When you purchase a journal, you are invited to join our exclusive Facebook Group, with free guided weekly assistance direct from us!!

Whatever is happening in your own life, there are tools and resources available to us all. I’m here for you! Please reach in and either read from PERCOLATE – Let Your Best Self Filter Through or head over to BestEverYou.com. There is something or someone to remind you of how amazing and awesome you are. The tools put you on your path to being your best and remind you when you need a reminder. We also have a fabulous Best Ever You Community on the website and in our Facebook Group.
My radio show, The Best Ever You Show, is about to celebrate 500 shows. We air live on blogtalkradio and are now syndicated on iHeart Radio, iTunes, Spotify and have millions of downloads and listeners. This is another free resource to help us all be our best and I hope you’ll tune in.
Whether it is my book, websites, radio show or community, I hope you’ll join me! I’m on a mission to raise awareness – to inspire you to embrace the inner love, gifts, and talents that create the essence of who you really are – and to challenge you to share this uniqueness with the world.
Best Ever You is a safe place to discover, or re-discover your authentic, best self – to create a vision and practice that vision, to really live – where each moment in your life matters. My goal is assist you to connect with your true self, to others around you, and to the world as a whole, in peace – for peace. Your highest-best-self and best-life mean making a commitment to yourself to become healthy in all ways – mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and emotionally.
Love, Elizabeth (and Kris Fuller)