The nation of Republica Dominicana is painted with a wealth of colors. Its tropical gaze invites visitors from around the world, who yearn to immerse their bodies in its gem-colored waters. You can do this on other islands. However, other islands have their own shape, style, and decor. So, let’s ask ourselves a deeper question. What is it about the Dominican Republic ??, which adds its unique touch to the world of sacred healing? What does it do?

A paradoxical answer to the previous question is the taboo subject of blackness. The term, blackness, is a term, which has been viewed as a negative in the nation of the Dominican Republic. For so long, the term blackness is depicted as a coloring, which demands one’s very humanity. Such an ugliness has even caused bloodshed on the island, in its her/historical pastime. Why? Why is black interpreted as a negative coloring, when it is a manifestation, where all of the colors, lay? Lastly, does it even have to stay that way? Quick answer: No. The time for transitioning into a different understand of blackness has come. What if the island slowly began to embrace such a thing? What if?

Throughout this song, you will see the words negra and negro. Negros. Somehow, the presence of freedom lingers on. It is a cry for freedom. Who says a midnight coloring is equated to a curse? Who says? Perhaps, it’s time to re-paint blackness, and align it to its hidden elegance of a paradisical world? Can you see it?

Below is a photograph of the island. It is Heaven’s blessing, indeed. So, when moving such through the island, one has to reflect upon the hints of blackness in the photograph. Is it possible to envision how such jewels are blessings from the haven of those seas of blackness; running through the Universal times.

Esclavo soy, negro naci

Negro es mi color, y negra mi suerte

Pobre de mi, sufriendo voy

Este fue el dolor, hay hasta la muerte

Soy loco y cautivo

Y la libertad no vivo,

Que los negros libres un dia seran

Que mi negra marcha vamo a bailay

Que los negros libres seran

Eduardo Brito