- An instrument (If you don’t have one, get a harmonica; very good for breathing, too.)
- A comedy album
- Solitaire with an old deck of cards (even better than your iPad)
- Solitaire on your iPad
- A game with others
- Music for focused listening
- A part in a play
- With a toddler
- With a pet
Are you getting the idea? Can you enlarge that list with other examples of play in your life?
Play offers the same benefits for adults as it does for children. And it’s almost as important in our development and in our emotional and mental health as it is in theirs. It needs to be part of our lives. It can be as exhausting as a team sport or as brief as telling or making a joke.
Play is serious business. But not while you’re engaged in it. Its seriousness is measured only by its importance.