You are preparing to get married and one of the first orders of business is to share the good news with family and friends. During that time is when you begin looking for the bridesmaids and grooms who will stand by you, helping you enjoy the fun stages of planning the wedding, from the engagement party to the main event, with the bachelor/bachelorette parties sandwiched somewhere in between.
With all that activity going on, the challenge is to keep up a positive vibe so you don’t get stressed. There are several ways you can accomplish this:
Meditate daily. Taking time out for yourself will rejuvenate you and help you keep you mood in high spirits. Put 10-20 minutes aside and sit quietly and breathe. You can add soft music, as long as it’s instrumental, and just allow your thoughts freedom. It will be a great pick-me-up as well as a centering. Make sure you make this time for you alone. Turn off your phone and ignore any communication that isn’t internal.
Be smart about how you use and post on social media – Don’t be a slave to it. Yes, I know there is that temptation to post every photo and video clip of things as they are happening. There is a better way to do that: delegate the job of posting to one particular person and decide what smartphone or camera they will use. There will be plenty of guests doing their own posting, but at least you will have the security in knowing that your end has been taken care of for you,
Make a To Do list – it doesn’t matter whether someone is doing things for you or whether you are doing them yourself, this can be a scattered time and even the most organized person needs to work with a list. As the bride, you have the master list and can orchestrate everyone from the maid of honor to the wedding planner.
This is enough to get you started and set the tone for a happy, stress-free (as much as possible) wedding. Even if you take one of these into consideration, it will most likely make a difference for you. So….here’s wishing you a fabulous wedding and a long and happy marriage!
Originally published at