The Age of Truth : UnBind Yourself
Just like an aircraft safety message, you must place your own oxygen mask on first, in order to effectively help others in your environment. You are of no use to anyone, if you are internally incapacitated, emotionally tied up, or bound by irrational fear. It is not selfish to destroy, heal, nurture and rejuvenate your own soul’s core first; On the contrary, it is only having gone through this process yourself, can you light up the path for those around you.
Stop telling yourself “it’s too late”; stop waiting until you make enough money to do something you love. Stop telling yourself that dreams don’t matter, or fearing that your family and friends will think you’re crazy. So, learn to recognise, nurture and protect your inner artist, because by unearthing, exercising, and enhancing your creative energies, you will be able to move beyond pain and creative constriction. You will naturally learn ways to recognise and resolve fear, remove emotional scar tissue, and strengthen your confidence.
Be cognizant of the environment around you.
Start to be conscious of small and otherwise “hidden” details in color, sound, light, and flavor. This begins to empower internal self-recognition of the smallest ways to evolve your daily interactions with others, to achieve enhanced results from the community around you. The power to change yourself, and the world around you, is already in you, and those around you. Create the conditions, to bring that out.
If you think about it, sing about it.
Every single living being has a rhythm to which we operate. Because the noise and the racket has grown so very much around us, the root rhythm has been drowned out. Take some time each day to think of your favorite song. Hear it in your head, and execute a routine task to the rhythm of that song. This immediately makes your common daily task, an enhanced experience that opens up your mind and happiness pheromones (a chemical substance produced and released into the environment by an animal, especially a mammal or an insect, affecting the behaviour or physiology of others of its species).
Operate with quiet power.
If you cannot feel it, you cannot fuel it. Bring a daily dose of being an introvert into a world that just cannot seem to stop talking. Not speaking, or not answering to everything that comes hurtling in your direction, is not the same as not hearing. Use moments to enhance all your other senses like seeing, touching and feeling to fully absorb what might be going on in the very simplest of situations around you. Acting or speaking, if only even after a brief introverted moment, often leads to better solutions, perspectives, and results.
Bring a dreamcatcher into your home.
Every individual dream is a reflection of a formative and vulnerable moment. Catch your dreams, along with those of others, and then build on them together. Visualizing a dream, a goal, a vision, in single or multiple colors, can actually help put shape and form around it. Just like a spider begins at a central point and weaves a complete web, often breaking along the way, but starting again each time, the ultimate web is stronger and more resilient than ever. A journal, a canvas, a camera, a spice, a scent, a book – Pick your dreamcatcher to get started with mapping out your dream.
Come to realize not only how important it is to follow your instincts and interests, but also to express your feelings and explain certain actions to others. Take moments to guftagu, either with yourself, or in a quiet moment with those next to you. Be on the lookout for moments of misunderstanding and do your best to explain what you were thinking and feeling. Sometimes, an explanation will make all the difference in the world in bringing you and those around you, closer together as a team, a family, and a community. (Guftagu, is an Urdu term for animated, interactive, in-depth, real, conversation).

सहयोगी (a creation of Employees Only LLP), is a conduit for sets of collected perspective, offering modern viewpoints and nutrients towards productive, 22nd Century, spiritual living.
The collaged artwork used in this article comes together via paintings by Dhanya C. Johnson of #dhanyajohnsondesigns ([email protected]) and photography by John C. Jacob, the author of this piece.