Full disclosure, I have a limiting belief that in order to “preach positivity”, one must have overcome something terribly negative in their life. And so, when, like a message in a bottle, I came upon a passage that I had written – nine years ago – it got me to thinking:
And, as predicted, nearly a decade later I still do.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my share of struggles and set-backs, triumphs, and disappointments of course. But I don’t attribute my positive attitude to be a result of something negative that I’ve had to overcome, to being more or less fortunate than anyone else, or even to setting the bar too low.
In the decade since I wrote the passage, external things have changed all around me. Our daughter has finished high school and college, my beautiful mother no longer graces the planet, I am a breast cancer survivor and my husband and I now live in New York City. My resume is bullet-point-proof of how much time has passed and the “accomplishments” that have been made along the way, but no amount of facebook memories or photographs really reflect who I am on the inside. So I’m just gonna admit it. I am a positive person.
So why I have been buying into the limiting belief that I can’t help others if I haven’t been through it myself? If the law of attraction is true then isn’t also true that I can foster and promote positivity by sharing it and letting it spread?
I say hell ya! And that’s what I’m going to do. I am grateful for the opportunity to perhaps inspire some of you with my positivity and together we can open up the world to some new possibilities and maybe even bust through a few limiting beliefs while we’re at it!