No doubt, navigating life through this pandemic has been challenging!
We’ve experienced a collective awakening, where we find ourselves reassessing what we want and even, who we want to be on the other side of “this”. The experience of Lockdown has made many of us look a little more deeply at who we are and what we believe about ourselves.
I asked 8 coaches the life-advice they’ve been giving clients as they come out of Lockdown, that they realise they needed for themselves!
- Reassess what you really want
“Capture the questions you’re asking yourself, such as “What do I want life to look like on the other side of this?” and journal on those questions to start stepping towards clarity and a renewed sense of direction.” says Jess Ratcliffe, The Ideas Coach
2. Clarify and focus
Business coach Lucy Green advises that we focus in and strip right back to the work you absolutely love to do. Clarify the business building activities that move the needle and get you results.
Business mentor Ruth Kudzi adds “focus down on what you can do, not what you can’t. Consider what the priorities are and do these first and ultimately be kind to yourself.”
Focus and consistency is key for Strategy Coach Emily Hodge saying “where possible do both at all times, focus even further than you feel comfortable with and show up in a way that’s exactly right for you and your audience.”
3. Believe its ok to thrive
‘You don’t owe anyone a crappy year!” says Audacity Coach Keri Jarvis. “So many of us are in some kind of empath-trap, falsely believing it’s unkind or unethical of us to thrive during such difficult circumstances. The truth is that heart-led women with resources and support in place are going to lift so many others out of their struggle through this period and beyond. I tell my clients, ‘your wealth improves the world’s health’ and I firmly believe it.”
Kam – Mei Chak from The Social Introvert adds “tuning in to the beliefs that we’ve created about ourselves, which may have shaped what we believe is possible for us through this time. Recognising that those beliefs are not the truth, just thoughts we’ve held, is so empowering and when we’re able to step outside them, we realise that we can do anything, regardless of any labels we or others have put on ourselves.”
4. Go inwards
Life and business coach Rebecca Caution advises “If in doubt, turn off the noise and turn inwards. In times of uncertainty, we frantically look around for answers – at governments, news, science, social media – but the answers we’re seeking aren’t in any of those places out there. The only answers you need are inside you.”
Samantha Clarke, happiness consultant and author of Love It or Leave It – how to be happy at work has valued her daily intention setting to turn off the noise and clarify what each day will be driven by.
5. Stick to your routines and habits
All the coaches I talked with shared they’ve doubled down on the daily habits that helped them stay physically, mentally and spiritually strong, and these are priority activities going forwards.
Ruth is prioritising daily exercise and a 90-minute lunch hour. Jess has really loved the connection and flow of conversation with her community through direct messages, voice memos and a WhatsApp Group that she started.
Samantha is prioritising sticking to fitness in the morning saying “I used to grimace at getting on the bus to go to a class early in the morning. Now I can’t wait to get out of bed at 7/730 and put on a class or watch something live. I realise I now have the discipline!”
Keri identified that she was sinking into addictive patterns with social media at the start of lockdown and now deletes social media off her phone at weekends. She notices she’s done more reading and journaling, as a result.
Rebecca’s prioritising daily exercise, meditation and writing, and loving spending more time with her family and in nature.
Emily’s been having a clear out “emails, files, projects, old bits in my house, old thoughts, making room!”
For Lucy it’s all about having a mindset practice that supports her on good days as well as difficult ones, saying “I’ve realised (the hard way!) that being consistent is key to feeling positive and pulling me back when I’m struggling.”
Katy Murray was talking with Jess Ratcliffe, The Ideas Coach; Ruth Kudzi, business mentor; Keri Jarvis, Audacity Coach; Samantha Clarke, Happiness Consultant; Rebecca Caution Life Coach, Emily Hodge Mindset and Strategy Coach for Coaches; and Kam-Mei Chak, Social Media Coach