Every day when we awake, there is a new chance for life’s matriculation. Which means it is another revelation in our ability to walk through this journey, together. Supporting each other, in this difficult period of endurance and perseverance. Turning off the television and all media distractions, coming our way. Any kind of device, that does not serve our purpose for being calm and at peace, during this current moment. Waking up every day and giving honor and glory, to a greater power than ourselves, let’s us know that we are still in this miracle, called life.

Life is beautiful. Life is grand. No matter the circumstances, events, or situations we find ourselves arising to, the true essence of life always remains, beautiful. That never changes. Regardless of an epidemic, global warming, or whatever catastrophe is directed to civilization, life is beautiful! It is something to remember and reflect upon, when we decide to take that moment of prayer.

One of the auspicious attributes of prayer, during these current times, is that it keeps our minds at peace. A gentle reminder that there is hope, in the midst of such circumstances. That there is a force, greater than our own. Our personal and private therapy in releasing our worries, anxieties, and frustrations to that very energy source. In this manner, prayer is a tool in achieving mental stability and wellness. A daily cleansing of our emotions. Ensuring that our energy supply is always being replenished, and re-generated. A circular movement, embodying and performing, the continuation of life. It is a reassurance, that life will go on. That life is abundant and plentiful. It is this life fulfilling thinking, which ensures we are able to continue in our daily work, production, and creation. That in the midst of death, emotional toxicity, and uncertainties, we are connecting ourselves to its ongoing life cycle.

Another powerful reason for prayer and meditation is that it permits us to place the energy of protection, into the atmosphere. While we are doing the necessary attributes of taking care of ourselves, and residential atmospheres, channeling our desires of protection and guidance gives us more control, than what we realize. Prayer and reflection gives that additional energy, in having more balance over our mental and emotional protection and well being. The more we place that energy of protection into the atmosphere, the more it will be directed to us. Not only to our individual spaces, but for those living adjacently, or far away. That arises the next point.

Pray and meditation incites us to connect with others. It is cross cultural. It is cross national. It is cross racial. One of the major lessons of the corona epidemic is that it does not discriminate. The corona’s problem is everyone’s problem. No longer can we point the finger with the whole “that’s your problem,” mentality. Its a grim reminder that another’s problem, can actually be, our problem. Which means we must pray and meditate for everyone. Our humanity is being improved during this time. The world is forced to interconnect with every Being of itself. Every nation, culture, and people are being intertwined with time. This time is the current denominator for all of humanity. It is only as a collective, that we will overcome, and bring an end, to this current, public health crisis.

Finally, another lasting attribute in the power of prayer and meditation is how it allows us to plant positive seeds for the future. Meaning while we are working through these current times, we are calling forth, into better days. We are claiming, designing, and crafting all the beautiful things we will be able to take part in, once this is over. Our lives will be very fruitful, more fulfilled, and enriching once this hardship is over. Even for those who have lost someone during the corona epidemic. Life will be more valued and cherished when this is all over. People will be more adventurous, and ambitious, in tackling their dreams. Life will be lived, not merely, existing. The whole purpose of getting through the tough times, is to appreciate the good ones.

Prayer and meditation restores us to a state of humility. It compels us to surrender rigidities and constraints. Knowing that we do not have the answers to everything. Admitting that we are unsure of whatever is coming our way. Nevertheless, we are aware of each and every present moment of our day. We adjust to the current times, while continuing our contributions to this artistry, called. . .life. It feels good in knowing that we have a say within this current period. For us to channel our minds to a greater realm is magnanimous. Calling on a higher power outside of ourselves means that we are re-establishing a more holistic foundation for how we are to matriculate through life’s journey. Its beautiful. Its poetic. And, it liberates us from the emotional shackles, that many of us are currently experiencing. Each day, when we meditate and pray, we are re-aligning ourselves with Universal artistry. Being mentally connected to that world liberates us from the chaotic one. Its peaceful. Its calming. Its the healing power of prayer. Its the life giving praise of meditation.