Do you constantly find yourself questioning and over analysing every little detail? Overthinking can often take away from all the good things that happen in your life because you second-guess everything which always ends up with you being left in a negative headspace. Overthinking often creates problems that weren’t even there! Worrying about everything, all of the time is draining and it will only cause you stress and angst. It is important to practice techniques that can help you calm your mind and help you to de-stress.
Here are a few tips that I think will help you prevent overthinking…
Find a medium to focus on
It is good to create a space away from negativity and to have positive medium to act as a distraction to takes your mind off things. Distance yourself by doing something that you need to focus on and that you enjoy such as knitting, reading, exercising or tune in to your favourite Spotify playlist and just listen to the good beats!
Live in the present
You can not experience fulfilment or joy without allowing yourself to be vulnerable to the present. The simple act of thinking ‘what if’ is a constant act of self-sabotage which will limit your ability to grow. Start thinking in the now and accept the things you can not change.
Nobody’s PERFECT and that’s 100% OK!
If you live with the feeling that you are never good enough then anything you achieve will never be good enough! You will just keep trying to jump through the next hoop without stopping to look back and realise how far you have came and how much you have actually conquered on your way. Always remember to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Don’t put yourself under pressure
Be realistic in your expectations. Of course, I will always encourage you to dream big because I know what you are capable of. However, remember to stay realistic about what you can accomplish in a set amount of time and don’t put so much pressure on yourself!
Keep a journal
Take time to reflect in your journal and use it as an outlet to write down all of your thoughts and feelings. Limit yourself to doing this for 15 to 20 minutes a day to get all of your worries, anxieties and fears down on paper.
Then after you have wrote down everything that is making you feel worried, then write a list of all the things you are grateful for. It important to sit and reflect and recoup from the constant business of life.
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