Prayer: is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication.
Many turn to the power of prayer on a daily basis, for many varied reasons. Some routinely pray at the same time-morning, night. Some pray each Sunday in their church. Some pray constantly throughout the day. Prayer means many different things-within it one finds strength, hope, peace-questions are answered, desperate pleas heard.
Prayer holds immense power. Within prayer one seeks and finds absolute reassurance and calm. But what if we reflect on the reasons we pray-many times we are praying for something: to be, happen, or not. We are praying for a miracle or an answer. We are praying down our knees with a desperate plea. We are praying when we find that is our only option left.
I would encourage you to view prayer, the use of prayer differently. What if we simply prayed of our thanks? We wake up in the morning-thank you. We eat our breakfast-thank you. We go to work-thank you. I think you get the point: every moment of our day, of this life is a supreme blessing, each moment something to be thankful for. I remember as a child our minister sharing in a sermon ‘Imagine if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday.’ As an adult this resonates so much deeper…imagine. Instead of treating prayer as a plea, as words we use wishing for answers or resolution, what if we simply used prayer to say ‘thank you.’
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘Thank you,’ it will be enough.” -Meister Eckhart
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