Everyone is feeling the impact of COVID-19. The pandemic has taken tolls not only on many people’s physical health but also on their mental health. With mental health now an issue of concern, it comes as no surprise that PR agencies prioritize the psychological well-being of their employees.

Considering the mental condition of employees directly impacts how much a PR agency makes, employers must support well-being effectively. But for this to yield the fruits they expect, employers need to take a holistic approach that looks into mental health in this new working environment. 

In this article, we’ll look at how PR agencies support the mental health of their employees during COVID-19. 

Harness Connection of Your Staff

Working from home is the new norm for most employees. But with this new norm comes feelings of social isolation and disconnection. Rather than watching as your staff’s mental health deteriorates, harness connection with fellow employees to offset the negative mental health impacts of the pandemic. 

You can leverage technology in this regard by encouraging connections through virtual video meetings. Leaders should also play their part by making themselves available to employees to talk about their concerns. Ensure they check on employees from time to time on matters to do with work and see how they are faring. 

 Invest in Training 

Proactive, preventive, and workplace mental health training goes a long way in making sure individual contributors and leaders understand what is expected of them to improve employee well-being. As more and more employees struggle to curb mental health problems, it is vital to reduce stigma and engage in productive conversations regarding mental health. 

If you do not have the finances to invest in training, you can still increase awareness and debunk common myths thanks to mental health employee resource groups. Alternatively, offer virtual education for staff to understand what it takes to manage stress effectively. In short, utilize technology to provide mental health resources to your team while working from home. 

 Nurture Flexibility and Performance 

Even though working from home plays a vital role in curbing the spread of the virus, it is also derailing many PR agencies’ performance. So why not take this as the perfect opportunity to foster employee resilience and understanding. Ensure your staff have access to sufficient infrastructure and support to handle tasks under the current situation. 

Consider investing in PR software as it helps create a successful communications strategy for your brand. Better, it streamlines your internal communication saving your team collaborating time regardless of the physical distance that exists. With the ease of accessing the information they need, your team will always be on the same page, aligning the goals and strategies. Remember, employee engagement improves the moment they feel they are part of an organizational solution.

Prioritize Effective Communication 

Lack of effective communication impacts the mental health of employees regardless of the industry they are serving in. We understand that you may have a way of communicating with your staff, but showing empathy can work wonders on their mental health and well-being. 

Managers and HR should also play their part by communicating with employees consistently regarding the available mental health resources and ‘benefits’ plans. You want your team to get help from counselors or leverage the stress and management services offered. However, lack of awareness can make it hard for them to enjoy these benefits. 

Keep in mind the problems employees are facing while working remotely will still exist even after the crisis. That’s why you need to communicate about mental health even when things get back to the ‘new normal.’ By prioritizing effective communication, you are not just improving the overall well-being of your start, but the PR agency’s health long-term. 

 Leverage Technology 

The PR sector is known for its high-stress culture and long working hours. Things have not changed even as employees work remotely, with the industry experiencing a dramatic increase in stress levels. To ease the pressure off your staff shoulders, use technology to allow for more flexibility, and improve well-being. 

Your employees also want to spend some time with their families or have time for themselves. Try to foster a stress-free environment by employing press release templates to make their efforts a success within the shortest time possible. That way, they get to avoid additional work-related stress since they have ample time to focus on their mental wealth. With a happy and productive staff, you will take your PR agency to the next level hassle-free. 

The Bottom Line

During this time of uncertainty, PR agencies need to prioritize their employees’ mental health and well-being. Mental health should be a key focus through this pandemic, and even when we get back to the ‘new normal.’ So prioritize line-manager training, flexible working, and double-up communication to improve staff happiness and general well-being. 

The more your staff feel valued and included in the PR agency’s plans, the higher their productivity levels. Even though it might take some time for your team to thrive amid the current uncertainty, you will help them address mental health issues in the long run. Don’t just say your support mental healthcare, but model it so that your employees feel you are part of their lives.
