If we could all write a book of our total wrongs, how many pages would we need? How fast would the ink run out, and how long would the book take for completion? An interesting reflection, is it not? How many words would describe our sins? As children, were we not told that God and the angels are keeping a big book, and writing down everything that we are doing? The Good. The Bad. And the Uglier.
Well, that would be a painful endeavor, wouldn’t it? Creating our own personal storybook, regarding every error and mistake that we did. Whoa! Now, that’s pretty depressing. Who would ever want to read that? Unless, you were using it, as a source of improvement. Yet, couldn’t it be just that. . .a book of improvement?

“Again, let’s not fear mistakes. They’re part of our growth process. Let’s learn from them, and use them to our great learning advantage. And, let’s create systems and processes to keep, as much as possible, the unnecessary ones from happening.”-Bob Burg

So, in a terse amount of words, one is able to understand that while we are not perfect, humanity can play a role in being closer to perfection. It is part of limiting those mistakes and creating more efficiency in the business and corporate worlds. Learning what not to do, and creating systems, so that they won’t be repeated. Consider it the art of business evolution. Transforming “mistakes” into actual spots of knowledge, discovery, and potential. Afterall, authentic mistakes, are points of imbalance. . .the unexpected. They throw us off, and interrupt the flow. Now, of course, it should be made very clear, that there is a difference between a mistake and a negative pattern. The latter is a choice. And that choice is made, out of refusing to grow, and experiment with new possibilities.
The introduction of Skip Prichard, author of The Book Of Mistakes: 9 Secrets To Creating A Successful Future, is very profound. His early childhood, and the lessons learned from his parents, was an unusual and wonderous childhood. A lesson in how “strangers” can become familiar. These unknown people, who enter into our lives for moments, years, or lifetimes. They have lessons to teach, and many times, they can disrupt expectations or patterns. Shaking us up to understand another world; another way of thinking. One of the passionate joys of hearing this story is how it addressed the spontaneity of the Spiritual family. Those groups and people, who enter into our lives for any second, just to teach us the power of improvisation and change.

Bob Burg briefly articulates this as being the foundation for Prichard’s later teachings. Connecting those childhood lessons to the fundamental theme of “mistakes,” we can analyze the seeds, which allowed for such fruition. The podcast does not go into depth about the specifics of those familly guests, whose personalities colored Prichard’s family household. Yet, if we are to go into the peak of our imagination, we can see just how those teachings show up in this podcast. The fluidity and rhythm in observing constant evolution is one of the teachings we are hearing in that childhood story. You can get a sense that these guests in his family home, came at different points in time. Now, these differences eventually unite into one Spirit, one energy domain. Just picture a myriad of lights, fusing into one illumination.
So, now when we go back to the journey of mistakes, minimalizing, and eradicating mistakes, we are brought into a world, where “mishaps” make us stronger. Being part of an entity, where people are improving themselves, their business, and their services, by seeing what doesn’t. . .work. Funny enough, it is in the errors, where one sees the different, creative possibilities and solutions, in order to fix things. In addition, it is also a creation of knowledge. Finding this knowledge, leads one to the tools, in avoiding those mistakes of the past. Have you noticed that work, and the will to discover the unknown, is what empowers the knowledge base? Making unintentional mistakes, so that one avoids them in the future, is part of decreasing our mistake ratio. It means that all of those, scattered energies, are slowly weaning, in order to hone into one light of unity. It also means that weakness, unfamiliarity, and other dead energy, is weeded out-lacking in purpose.
“There’s a big difference between a mistake, and an unnecessary mistake. And over the course of time, the more unnecessary mistakes we make, the more difficult it will be to obtain success in the various areas of our lives.”-Bob Burg

Listening more into the podcast, we glide into the world of Skip Prichard. His “life-long journey” in studying success began prior to having read a book, that is labeled as. . .SUCCESS!
Secrets and unpopular tales of getting to success, are highlighted in his work, The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets To Creating A Successful Future. Listening to Prichard’s discussion of the book, takes the mind into a wonder of ancient wisdom and mysteries. The journey, and mistakes made, in order for those successful people to find uncommon paths, comes to life. In this very description, and telling, alone, it feels as if Prichard is taking listeners on a Pan’s Labyrinth; which is aligned right in the very context of reality. Merging the restrictions, often associated with realities, in order to re-create it as a treasure hunt. In order to make that discovery, one has to go through the journey of making mistakes, even to gain access to the very secrets, themselves.
“It’s something called the curse of knowledge. When you know too much, sometimes it hurts you.”-Skip Prichard

What also remains very soothing in the podcast’s conversation on The Book Of Mistakes: 9 Secrets To Creating A Successful Future, is how the scenario, connects modern humanity with a her/historical past. It is awakening to realize that those secrets of the past are still part of life’s present. Even the very title, itself, indicates a subtle form of positivity to authentic mistakes, as they propel you forward to truth and knowledge. This very segment in the podcast, highlights a mythical wonder of reality, and our desire to reach success. Prichard’s very discussion of the title draws attention to this perceived irony. It is another intrinsic moment, during this podcast conversation.
And so, throughout this episode of The Go Giver podcast, listeners are directed into an unusual, and deeper, understanding of. . .mistakes. A subconscious magic, where hidden within “mistakes,” are the very solutions. A complementary riddle, in how the Universe teaches us the property of balance. For, in order to lose, one must gain. And, one cannot journey into the labyrinth of success, if one is not willing to work through the mistakes for a greater discovery. As one discovers, the “mistakes” become no more. Comprehending that one has naturally weeded out those errors, once a solution has been found. Those problem-solvers are transformed into books of knowledge. And so by writing our personal book of pitfalls, we end up writing a second novel. A novel serving as a testimony, from the journey of our personal mistakes, while discovering our playful solutions.