At a very young age, we learn to ask questions from our caregivers, teachers, parents and siblings to learn new things.  It builds confidence and provides us with a perspective for problem solving and acquiring skills for the future.  As we begin to learn we frequently ask the question “Why?”  This information share is how we learn and support one another.

We raise our hand and ask.

As we mature and grow we begin to ask new questions of our friends and family that usually involves gestures of kindness, learning something new through demonstrations or explanations that continue the conversation which may have started with the curious question of “Why.”

We begin to participate in games, debates, educational programs and general interest groups to continue to learn new skills that create a sense of community around our interests and passion.

We raise our hand in fellowship.

In recent weeks as I read social media posts I have begun to notice people asking for help.  Looking for information on the “how to’s” that will enhance their personal and professional life.  Referrals from folks who are able to help us find information that will enhance our journey.

We are raising our hand in collaboration.

Take myself as an example, I’ve started both a live interview and podcast series under the title Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real as part of the Share Your Stories series.   I raised my hand and asked folks in my network for help.  They were more than willing to share what they had learned so that I too was able to expand my reach and offer new services to my clients. 

They were willing to share information as part of the ask and in support of innovation.

We all acquire skills and information through experience that becomes of value when our friends and colleagues are looking for help.  There are wonderful examples of folks helping others by sharing information that often comes through acts of kindness.  I always send a message of thanks to the person who has shared their knowledge because it is a token of my appreciation and I am genuinely grateful.

As we pool our resources and continue to learn from one another there are always opportunities to assist someone else with their ask. 

When we raise our hand with a simple ask; we often receive results.

As my mentor would say – “people are happy to help other people as long as you are gracious and the ask does not exceed or impose expectations.”  

Sharing information and expertise is a vital part of our journey that often leads to exploring new and innovative ways of problem solving both personally and professionally.

I am eternally grateful to everyone who raises their hand with an ask because it opens the door to collaboration and in the sprit of fellowship it is how we learn and support one another.

You never know where the road may take you when you raise your hand and “ask.”  

Trish Tonaj is a Master Coach, Certifed Personal Trainer, Author, Mentor and Speaker. She is the founder and guest blog host for a portal in support of the entrepreneurial spirit and sharing great ideas.  Join us and share your story!