How often do you think about pleasing yourself? We often put ourselves on the bottom of the list for nurturing and caring for when in reality we should be at the top—then we’ll have more energy to give to others.

Women, and mothers especially it seems, are notorious for giving until they don’t have anything left of themselves. Although some men/dads are also falling into this category more often now. This is not the way of the future as it is not sustainable in the long run.

Here are 10 easy ways to do things for yourself that will improve your life immediately. How many of these are you doing regularly?

  1. Stop doing things you don’t want to do
  2. Communicate clearly
  3. Stop pleasing people
  4. Say what you really mean
  5. Trust your instincts
  6. Never talk yourself down
  7. Follow your inspirations
  8. Don’t be afraid to say NO!
  9. Don’t be afraid to say YES!
  10. Be kind to yourself!