R E L E A S E . . . .what a big lesson this is for meand i am not talking about it from the other sideof having done itbut rather of sitting in the center of itfeeling unable to let things go.
i have been stuck/full/bloated/in painbecause i am holding onto beliefs that at one time brought comfortbut were never ever true.
beliefs of blame and shamei created to make the world seem to make sense
living in a random world where things happened for no reasonscared meso i made up storiesthat put me to blame for things i was in no way responsible for.
big things like the death of my fatherand the delay of my daughterstories that told me it was because of something i did or didn’t dothat something bad happened
crazy stories, irrational storieslike if i had woken up at 4am to say goodbye to my dadhe would not have died of a heart attack 6 weeks laterby making it my faultthis random world that scared mebecame a cause and effect worldbecause i did this, that happened.it was my fault
and i blamed myself and felt shamefor something that never even happened.that i never even didexcept in the story i made up to comfort methose stores now cause me painand none of it is real.
this is the power of story.you see if everywherepeople say something enough times we start to believe it is truebut it is NOT true no matter how many times they say it.
never in my widest dreams did i thinki would have trouble releasing blame, shame and painfrom stories that have no basis of truth in thembut here i amletting go of things that were never realexcept for the life my stories gave them.
if this resonates with youand if you would like some help in releasing what is not youi invite you to contact mei have now had hundreds of conversations with peoplewhere all i did was listening to them, love them and accept themand what saw was how who they were not, fell awayand who they are emerged
i have turned my listening inside nowand all that is not is falling awayand all that is, is emerging.