Nashville artist, Rachel Tripp is an incredibly hard-working woman, working full-time as the Regional Community Outreach Lead at Jammber Music by day, and performing as ‘Pagentri’ by night. But with her latest single, “Magnetic,” Tripp focuses on the past year alone of how relationships can be exploited as against one’s own mental health and wellbeing.

“I want it to be a song of empowerment, and help my generation realize that these “new norms” of forming relationships are not ok,” she emphasizes.

I spoke with Tripp about what her new single means for all women.

Thrive Global: This is an incredibly powerful song for women who have been in toxic relationships. What message do you want to communicate to those women? How does this play into perhaps any personal experience with this that you’ve had? Spill the beans on your story.

Rachel Tripp: The single paints a picture of the difficulties of dating today, and is an anthem for women to understand and value their self-worth. I want it to be a song of empowerment, and help my generation realize that these “new norms” of forming relationships are not ok.

During quarantine, I did a lot of self-reflecting and realized that women will sometimes take the backseat in relationships and continuously fall into toxic patterns (myself included). We let ourselves believe these patterns are normal behavior and they’re not.

I’ve definitely made excuses for others in past relationships if it is romantic or a friendship. I would always blame myself as the problem, but I really wasn’t holding higher standards of others and being treated the way I deserved. I now know that communication is key to anything being successful (that doesn’t mean communicating over text).

Also, if a relationship doesn’t feel right and you’re not a team bettering each other, then cut that toxic energy out of your life. You don’t need those people.

I’ve grown more in the past 10 months than I have in the past 5 years because of self-reflection and cutting toxic energy out of your life. It’s so refreshing to learn how strong you are and how much you can achieve.

Thrive Global:  Why do you think this is powerful today, as we are 10 months into COVID-19? Do you think the pandemic has accelerated the need for this message or reduced the potential for these types of relationships? Explain.

RT: I’m not going to lie, COVID-19 has been a very difficult time for me in so many aspects of my life, but I’ve realized that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

I had to adjust to this normal. During these past few months I’ve taken advantage of isolation and reflected about so many things in my life. My behaviors, my relationships, my dreams and the list goes on. As we spend more time in isolation and smaller gatherings, I think it’s the perfect time for us to look at who we are as a person and what we want to be. That’s where the message of Magnetic comes in.

I believe the pandemic has accelerated the need of this message, because we have more time to reflect. We are all guilty of getting caught up in the craziness of life, and I don’t think we sometimes realize the harm we are doing to ourselves and others. I hope that as we slowly transition back to normal we can be more mindful of meaningful relationships, and be aware of the respect we deserve.  

Thrive Global:  Let’s talk about your past history of relationships—sitting here today, what lessons have you taken away (or walked away with), that you feel shaped the song?

RT: I’ve learned that games are bullshit. I’m all about just saying how you feel…no lies, no manipulation. Relationships built on these things are usually all lust and never end up in a true genuine human connection…isn’t that we want at the end of the day?

I’ve learned that this takes a lot of growing up…so ask yourself what you really want for your life?

Can the person you’re with or playing games help you achieve the goals or the image of yourself you envision? If not cut the toxicity out of your life. Also, if you’re not quite yet ready for these personal conversations, that’s ok…we are evolving and growing daily and one day you will be ready. I’ve learned that being honest with myself and making the hard decisions in the past ends up being the best outcome for my future. 

Thrive Global: This song really is about being “vulnerable” and re-discovering your inner self. Thoughts?

RT: 100%! I am all about being vulnerable with my music, because I believe there is so much power in vulnerability. I think most people are scared to show their vulnerabilities, but I’ve found that music is a great way for me to express mine and to be a message for others.

By sharing your vulnerabilities you are able to discover a lot about yourself. Reflection and self-discovery can be such a beautiful thing, and I’ve found that I’m a lot stronger than I think. I’m able to walk away and be totally fine.

I won’t lie…leaving people behind might hurt but the long term effect is well worth it. I want my lyrics and my voice to be the strength that people are looking for who may be trapped or under-appreciated. It’s ok to be alone and focus on yourself and find the people that appreciate your worth.