When you have the opportunity to ask some of the most interesting people in the world about their lives, sometimes the most fascinating answers come from the simplest questions. The Thrive Questionnaire is an ongoing series that gives an intimate look inside the lives of some of the world’s most successful people.
Thrive Global: What’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed?
Ray Chambers: The first thing in the morning, I immediately go into the shower. It creates negative ions that cause one’s serotonin to increase, enable one to breathe better, one to relax more, and to just get centered. The ions also produce energy.
TG: What’s your secret life hack?
RC: My life hack is the five not-readily-apparent steps to happiness that Jeff Weiner and I embrace.
1. Stay in the moment.
2. It is more important to be loving than right.
3. Be a spectator to your own thoughts, especially after you’ve begun to have an emotional reaction.
4. Go out of your way to help anyone in need.
5. Each morning, write down all that you’re grateful for and then read the list out loud. Whatever was bothering you will be gone by the time you are halfway through your list.
TG: Tell us about your relationship with your phone. Does it sleep with you?
RC: I don’t bring my phone or anything electronic into the bedroom other than fun reading material.
TG: How do you deal with email?
RC: I try and get all of my emails done with the help of my assistants in one hour each day.
TG: You unexpectedly find 15 minutes in your day, what do you do with it?
RC: If I had 15 extra minutes I would devote it to simple yogic breathing.
TG: Share a quote that gives you strength when times are tough.
RC: My favorite quote is from Matthieu Ricard: “The most direct route to happiness is in service to others.”
Originally published at medium.com