Once upon a time, in the days before we were masked and socially isolated, we started plotting and writing a fantasy saga. It evolved into a murder mystery with magic, a hideous serial killer, and an intriguing romance that wasn’t all it seemed. Despite our agent informing us (about four years too late) her agency did not want to represent fantasy fiction anymore, we forged ahead, started our own publishing company, put out several other books for clients, and finally decided that we should take a chance on this one.
So far, it’s been the best move of our careers…
Shadows in Light: Book One of the Hidden Rims Saga by P.M. Amaras & Paul Driggere has been getting some rave reviews in the week or so since its release.
From one of the Reader’s Favorite reviewers:
“Shadows In Light is masterfully written. The prose flows gracefully; it is immaculate and crisp. I enjoyed the world into which authors P. M. Amaras and Paul Driggere plunge their readers: it is one where humans co-exist with monsters, demigods, and other magical creatures. But what will captivate readers most is the suspenseful rendering of the story. I was fascinated by the deft handling of characters, and the key figures in the story are well-explored. The connection between them deepens as readers follow them from one scene to the next. While they investigate murders, they must also fight to stay alive in a world that is both intriguing and filled with danger. Shadows In Light presents an intricate plot, an engaging work of detective fiction, and a colorful world to absorb readers. It is an immersive read indeed.”
But we digress. Thrive Global is all about thriving through whatever hardships and hangups life likes to offer us. The insidious COVID-19 virus gave us pause to think not just about our writing but our lives as well. What if something had happened to one or both of us? Who would tell our tale? Obviously, we want other formidable or aspiring writers to feel the way we did. We’ve written together for over 25 years, through 400 articles, stories, ghostwriting projects, grants, screenplays, scripts, and seven non-fiction and fiction books.
However, at the time we did all this, there was no COVID virus. There was some sense of safety and confidence, that whenever we sat down to plan or plot out on paper, one thing we hadn’t worried about at the time was whether or not we would still be at home – or sucking air through a ventilator in the ICU.
It’s that sense of finality that should urge all writers out there to take some chances right now. This is the first time we’ve collaborated on such an extensive project. We usually promote other writers through our business, (http://www.scribesunlimited.com), and it was on a whim to publish on our own and send our work to the masses.
So, this is our advice to thriving writers out there. Whether you question what you’ve got, or you’re super-confident in your future best-seller, for God’s sakes, pull the trigger. Make your mark and quickly. Let people see what you’ve got and try your hardest to make sure as many people can see it as possible. This entails getting yourself a personalized email address, a Twitter account with which you can reach out to your upcoming fanbase, a Facebook page to enlighten and interact, and perhaps an Instagram if your novel has certain elements one might find interesting. For instance, for our novel, we want to find some pictures of mythological and fantastical creatures to share and educate readers about them, their history and origins, etc.
Get accounts on numerous book lists, like Smashwords, Amazon (of course), Barnes & Noble, KOBO. Here’s a handy list of places you want to consider getting featured. The more places you can find, the better.
If you have a novel worth showing, we can assure you, with everyone still stuck at home quite often, that you can find a readership for it.
Do it. Release it out into the wild and get the anxiety and suspense over with.
Leave that stuff for inside your novel! 🙂