Founder of Avenc21, Hamed Amiran, Is an individual who’s helped countless individuals attain their life’s goal and achieve success.
Today, we will share the tips and tricks Hamed has used to ward off stress and attain success in his industry.
Keeping off Stress and Mental Strain:
Hamed recalls a time when he was suffering mentally as a result of his decision to not depend on his father financially. The thought of building something big from zero was extremely draining and stressful but then he realized that the stress came from uncertainty.
Uncertainty in your plans for the future and not knowing what to do brings about this stress. But what is most important is not giving up and keeping the faith strong. Having a good command of what you want to do and getting enlightenment about whatever you’re doing reduces worry and stress.
He is of the belief that almost anybody that has access to internet, water, a roof and food on the table will be able to achieve what needs to be achieved. Patience, prayer, meditation and bringing good energy into your life will pave a way on your road to success.
Personal Growth:
On this topic, Hamed’s best advice is “Knowledge”. He advises people to be creative about everything around them as it pertains to life.
He also stated that people need to think ten times bigger than their current state of mind and try as many things as possible within the shortest amount of time as it would help in finding a passion.
That’s what he did before jumping into real estate. He used to sell energy contracts, door to door in -10 degree winter temperatures, staying outside mostly.
He hated it and later quit after he got his major 2700 Canadian dollar commission to pay for his real estate courses then he sold luxury custom gold and diamond iPhones to celebrities and other high net worth individuals.
From there, he went into tech, making apps for kids and then he made a quick stop at marketing before finally settling in the real estate market. All the going around was for the purpose of finding his place of passion. All of this happened within the space of a year.
Achieving Success:
Again, “knowledge” came up as a tip. He opined that learning everything in relation to one’s career is the only scale up and more often than not, people who get promoted are promoted because of their knowledge base and expertise then comes other virtues like dedication and persistence.
He is of the belief that anyone can scale their business within the first three to four years of doing hard work and that pending when the business scales up, close management and monitoring of the business should be done, lessons should be learned during process and he finally pointed out the importance of periodically evaluating one’s knowledge with regards to the business.
On Grooming Good Habits;
Hamed practices martial arts and remains focused on building his body up to an athlete’s level, this gives him the energy to start his day, stay positive and allows the free flow of his creative juices to keep his fighting spirit high.
He’s a very creative thinker who always seeks after people better than him and people with better opinions to evaluate his energy and knowledge base. This helps in adding more value to himself whilst also exchanging ideas with these great thinkers and also building great business relationships.
Hamed is also laser-focused and patient about his goals. He stated that choosing to do one great thing might take as long as 10 years of practice to achieve but the results start to show in one day and he’s of the belief that this great thing is big enough then that’s enough achievements for a lifetime.