Whether you’re returning to the office after time off, starting a new job entirely, or simply planning out your goals for the new year, this time can be an important opportunity to start fresh. In psychology, this is known as the “fresh start effect.” When we hit a milestone, like a significant birthday, a new role, or a new year, we’re more motivated to take positive actions than at other times in our daily lives. No matter what your specific goals are, this fresh start moment is an opportunity to set yourself up for sustainable success — with your own well-being at the center. And doing that is all about making well-being a fundamental part of your work. You can build it into your days in small ways that add up to something big. Here are a few ways to get started.
Come up with a new, sustainable definition of what success in your career looks like
When we start a new role, switch teams, or return to the office, we show up with our own beliefs about success. We want to impress our manager and teammates, and we have ideas about how to do that, like hustling, being available all the time, and trying to get everything on our to-do list done every day. These beliefs can be motivating, but they can also backfire, putting us on the path to burnout right from the start. To course-correct, try this mindset shift: Instead of thinking about what you want to achieve at work, think about whoyou want to be at work. For example, instead of thinking, “I need to be available 24/7,” think about what you want to be: “I want to be thoughtful and intentional,” or “I want to be well-rested and fully-recharged so I can be my most productive and resourceful self.”
Shift your questions to be more intentional about connecting with your team
How often have you started a work conversation with, “How are you?” For many of us, this question is our go-to opener, likely to elicit the same responses: “Good,” “Hanging in there,” or maybe a comment about looking forward to the weekend. But when we ask more thoughtful questions, we might get more interesting answers. By asking a co-worker a deeper question, we open the door to a deeper level of trust and support. Research shows that strengthening our support system at work can help us better manage stress, stay resilient, and reach our goals. Try asking a member of your team what’s important to them outside of work, what’s bringing them joy right now, or how you can better support their goals.
Revisit your boundaries by having an honest conversation with yourself and your team
Returning to work after the holidays can be a great opportunity to revisit your boundaries. Or, if you’re starting a new role, you may have not taken the time to set boundaries at all. Either way, now is the perfect time to have that conversation with yourself, and your team. When we’re intentional about setting these boundaries, we set ourselves up to do our best work over time without burning out. Think about the physical and mental boundaries you need to be at your best. For example, what time you will start and end work, your response time for messages, what your calendar looks like, and how often you take micro-breaks during the day.